
SerbiaBelgrade Borca (RS)Belgrade City (RS)Belgrade North (RS)Belgrade West (RS)Jagodina (RS)Kragujevac (RS)Lviv (RS)Niš (RS)Novi Sad (RS)Novi Sad City (RS)Novi Sad East (RS)Sombor (RS)HungaryArrabona (HU)Arrabona - old (HU)Budapest East (HU)Budapest Ecser (HU)Budapest North (HU)Budapest Office Campus (HU)Budapest South (HU)Budapest Szigetszentmiklós (HU)Budapest Vecsés (HU)Budapest West (HU)Kecskemét (HU)Komárom (HU)Mór (HU)Mosonmagyaróvár (HU)Székesfehérvár (HU)Szombathely (HU)Szombathely East (HU)Tatabánya (HU)RomaniaArad (RO)Arad City (RO)Arad II (RO)Arad North (RO)Arad West (RO)Brasov (RO)Brasov West (RO)Bucharest (RO)Bucharest Chitila (RO)Bucharest North (RO)Bucharest South (RO)Bucharest West (RO)Caransebes (RO)Cluj (RO)Craiova East (RO)Deva (RO)Deva II (RO)Ineu (RO)Mogosoaia (RO)Oradea Cargo Terminal (RO)Oradea City (RO)Oradea North (RO)Pitești (RO)Pitești East (RO)Pitesti Oarja (RO)Ploiesti (RO)Salonta (RO)Satu Mare (RO)Sibiu (RO)Sibiu East (RO)Targu Mures (RO)Timișoara (RO)Timisoara City (RO)Timișoara Ghiroda (RO)Timisoara North (RO)Timisoara South (RO)Timisoara West (RO)Turda (RO)SlovakiaBanská Bystrica (SK)Bratislava (SK)Hlohovec (SK)Košice (SK)Krásno nad Kysucou (SK)Námestovo (SK)Nitra (SK)Nové Mesto nad Váhom (SK)Prešov North (SK)Prešov South (SK)Trnava (SK)Voderady (SK)Žilina (SK)Žilina Airport (SK)AustriaBaden (AT)Kittsee (AT)Sollenau (AT)St. Pölten North (AT)Vienna East (AT)Vienna North (AT)Vienna South (AT)Czech Republic(CZ)Benátky nad Jizerou (CZ)Blatnice (CZ)Blučina (CZ)Bor (CZ)Brno (CZ)Brno Líšeň (CZ)Brno Retail Park (CZ)Brno South (CZ)Cerhovice (CZ)Česká Lípa (CZ)České Velenice (CZ)Cheb (CZ)Chomutov (CZ)Divišov (CZ)Hlubočky (CZ)Holubice (CZ)Hradec Králové (CZ)Hranice (CZ)Hrušky (CZ)Humpolec (CZ)Humpolec II (CZ)IQ Ostrava (CZ)Jihlava (CZ)Kadaň (CZ)Karviná (CZ)Kolín (CZ)Kralupy nad Vltavou (CZ)Kutná hora (CZ)Kvasiny (CZ)Liberec (CZ)Lipník nad Bečvou (CZ)Louny (CZ)Lysá nad Labem (CZ)Mladá Boleslav (CZ)Mladá Boleslav II (CZ)Modřice (CZ)Most (CZ)Nošovice (CZ)Nový Jičín (CZ)Okříšky (CZ)Ostrava (CZ)Ostrava Hrušov (CZ)Ostrava II (CZ)Ostrava Kunčičky (CZ)Ostrava Poruba (CZ)Pardubice (CZ)Planá nad Lužnicí (CZ)Plzeň (CZ)Podbořany (CZ)Pohořelice (CZ)Ponāvka (CZ)Prague Airport (CZ)Prague East (CZ)Prague North (CZ)Prague West (CZ)Přeštice (CZ)Spielberk (CZ)Stříbro (CZ)Teplice (CZ)Teplice II (CZ)Teplice III (CZ)Tošanovice (CZ)Týniště (CZ)Ústí nad Labem (CZ)Vlněna (CZ)Zákupy (CZ)Žatec (CZ)Žatec II (CZ)Žebrák (CZ)BulgariaPlovdiv North (BG)Sofia (BG)Sofia Airport (BG)Sofia East (BG)Sofia West (BG)PolandBydgoszcz (PL)Częstochowa (PL)Gdańsk Port (PL)Gorzyce (PL)Iłowa (PL)Katowice (PL)Legnica (PL)Opole (PL)Rzeszów (PL)Sulechów (PL)Toruń (PL)Warsaw East (PL)Warsaw Emilianów (PL)Warsaw Janki (PL)Warsaw North (PL)Warsaw Nowy Konik (PL)Warsaw South (PL)Warsaw West (PL)Wrocław (PL)Zabrze (PL)Łódź Airport (PL)GermanyAachen (DE)Aalen South (DE)Altlandsberg (DE)Bad Oeynhausen (DE)Bad Salzdetfurth (DE)Bielefeld (DE)Bochum (DE)Bornheim (DE)Bremen (DE)Bremen North (DE)Dinslaken South (DE)Dinslaken Thyssenstraße (DE)Dortmund Centre-East (DE)Dortmund West (DE)Drei Gleichen (DE)Düsseldorf (DE)Eichstätt (DE)Euskirchen (DE)Fehrbellin (DE)Gevelsberg East (DE)Gevelsberg South (DE)Grünsfeld (DE)Güstrow (DE)Hanau (DE)Hannover Center (DE)Hattingen (DE)Krefeld (DE)Lemgo (DE)Linthe (DE)Löhne (DE)Meerbusch (DE)Meschede (DE)Möckern (Stegelitz) (DE)Mönchweiler (DE)Mülheim (DE)Nümbrecht (DE)Oberding (DE)Oschersleben (DE)Osterwieck (DE)Rastatt (DE)Regensburg (DE)Remscheid Centre South (DE)Remscheid Centre West (DE)Remscheid North (DE)Ronnenberg (DE)Rosengarten (DE)Rostock (DE)Schleiz (DE)Schortens (DE)Schwerin (DE)Simmern (DE)Solingen (DE)Stuttgart (DE)Unna (DE)Weiden (DE)Wesel (DE)Westhausen (DE)Wildau (DE)Witten (DE)Wittingen (DE)Wolfratshausen (DE)Wuppertal (DE)Wuppertal Am Brögel (DE)Zella-Mehlis (DE)NetherlandsAmsterdam City (NL)Rotterdam (NL)


Park features

  • Located only 2 km from the City Center
  • Over 100.000 sqm GLA planned for development
  • Good connections to international highways in Hungary and Croatia
  • First building can be available from Q1 2025
  • Possibility to establish Free Trade Zone upon request
  • 0 m²

    Available now

  • 105,000 m²


  • 20.50 ha

    Total area

  • 0 m²

    Built-up Area

Jovan Dobric

Jovan Dobric

“I will help you find your space”

Regional Benefits

Ready for construction

20 km from Hungarian border and 20 km from Croatian border Developed infrastructure Industrial zones ready for start of construction Motorways under construction connecting the city to other main road arteries Close proximity to the EU markets Large availabtle workforce in the vicinity Technical schools with over 240 students per year

Regional Map Zoom
Regional Map

Local Access

2 km2 km
3,5 km3,5 km
850 m850 m
10 km10 km


Masterplanned for business efficiency

  • Built & Available
  • Planned
  • Built Occupied


Explore our list of buildings with available space below.

Building Available Space Status Type
SOM1 45,000 m² planned CTSpace See details
SOM2 30,000 m² planned CTSpace See details
SOM3 30,000 m² planned CTSpace See details

Commercial contact

Get In Contact

Jovan Dobric

Business Developer, Central Serbia Region

Jovan Dobric

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CTPark Novi Sad

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