Târgu Mureș

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Târgu Mureș

CTPark Targu Mures comprises three buildings with a total area of ​​approximately 25,000 m² of production and warehouses, close to Transylvania Targu Mures International Airport.

Park features

  • Near A3 Transylvania Highway
  • Near Targu Mures Airport
  • Industrial And Financial Centre.
  • 0 m²

    Available now

  • 3,053 m²


  • 29.63 ha

    Total area

  • 25,194 m²

    Built-up Area

Aurel  Cirstea

Aurel Cirstea

“I will help you find your space”

Regional Benefits

Center of the country

Located in the center of Romania, at equal distances from border crossing points, Târgu Mureș has over 150,000 inhabitants and is considered one of the largest Hungarian communities in Romania. The city is recognized as a center of excellence in the medical field, being a major academic hub, with the largest university of medicine in the country.

Regional Map Zoom
Regional Map

Local Access

Next to the airport

Strategically located within the Industrial Park Mures, in the vicinity of Transylvania Târgu Mureș International Airport, at only 15 km away from the center of the city.

Regional Map Zoom


Production and warehouses in the center of Romania

  • Built & Available
  • Planned
  • Built Occupied


Explore our list of buildings with available space below.

Building Available Space Status Type
TGM4 3,053 m² Planned CTSpace See details

Commercial contact

Get In Contact

Aurel Cirstea

Business Development Manager Transylvania, Romania

Aurel  Cirstea

Nearby parks

Country overview
49.0 km

CTPark Turda

CTPark Turda is strategically located in the heart of Romania’s IT industry, 28km south of Cluj-Napoca, Romania’s second-largest city (pop. 400,000). Major investors nearby include Robert Bosch, De’Longhi, Saint-Gobain and Tyco. The surrounding area is densely populated with over 700,000 people in a 50km radius.

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Commercial Contact

Ivan Pastier

Park Address


Opletalova 87, 841 07 Bratislava - Devínska Nová Ves Slovakia

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