
GermanyAachen (DE)Aalen South (DE)Altlandsberg (DE)Bad Oeynhausen (DE)Bad Salzdetfurth (DE)Bielefeld (DE)Bochum (DE)Bornheim (DE)Bremen (DE)Bremen North (DE)Dinslaken South (DE)Dinslaken Thyssenstraße (DE)Dortmund Centre-East (DE)Dortmund West (DE)Drei Gleichen (DE)Eichstätt (DE)Euskirchen (DE)Fehrbellin (DE)Gevelsberg East (DE)Gevelsberg South (DE)Grünsfeld (DE)Güstrow (DE)Hanau (DE)Hannover Center (DE)Hattingen (DE)Krefeld (DE)Lemgo (DE)Linthe (DE)Löhne (DE)Meerbusch (DE)Meschede (DE)Möckern (Stegelitz) (DE)Mönchweiler (DE)Mülheim (DE)Nümbrecht (DE)Oberding (DE)Oschersleben (DE)Osterwieck (DE)Rastatt (DE)Regensburg (DE)Remscheid Centre South (DE)Remscheid Centre West (DE)Remscheid North (DE)Ronnenberg (DE)Rosengarten (DE)Rostock (DE)Schleiz (DE)Schortens (DE)Schwerin (DE)Simmern (DE)Solingen (DE)Stuttgart (DE)Unna (DE)Weiden (DE)Wesel (DE)Westhausen (DE)Wildau (DE)Witten (DE)Wittingen (DE)Wolfratshausen (DE)Wuppertal (DE)Wuppertal Am Brögel (DE)Zella-Mehlis (DE)Czech Republic(CZ)Benátky nad Jizerou (CZ)Blatnice (CZ)Blučina (CZ)Bor (CZ)Brno (CZ)Brno Líšeň (CZ)Brno Retail Park (CZ)Brno South (CZ)Cerhovice (CZ)Česká Lípa (CZ)České Velenice (CZ)Cheb (CZ)Chomutov (CZ)Divišov (CZ)Hlubočky (CZ)Holubice (CZ)Hradec Králové (CZ)Hranice (CZ)Hrušky (CZ)Humpolec (CZ)Humpolec II (CZ)IQ Ostrava (CZ)Jihlava (CZ)Kadaň (CZ)Karviná (CZ)Kolín (CZ)Kralupy nad Vltavou (CZ)Kutná hora (CZ)Kvasiny (CZ)Liberec (CZ)Lipník nad Bečvou (CZ)Louny (CZ)Lysá nad Labem (CZ)Mladá Boleslav (CZ)Mladá Boleslav II (CZ)Modřice (CZ)Most (CZ)Nošovice (CZ)Nový Jičín (CZ)Okříšky (CZ)Ostrava (CZ)Ostrava Hrušov (CZ)Ostrava II (CZ)Ostrava Kunčičky (CZ)Ostrava Poruba (CZ)Pardubice (CZ)Planá nad Lužnicí (CZ)Plzeň (CZ)Podbořany (CZ)Pohořelice (CZ)Ponāvka (CZ)Prague Airport (CZ)Prague East (CZ)Prague North (CZ)Prague West (CZ)Přeštice (CZ)Spielberk (CZ)Stříbro (CZ)Teplice (CZ)Teplice II (CZ)Teplice III (CZ)Tošanovice (CZ)Týniště (CZ)Ústí nad Labem (CZ)Vlněna (CZ)Zákupy (CZ)Žatec (CZ)Žatec II (CZ)Žebrák (CZ)AustriaBaden (AT)Kittsee (AT)Sollenau (AT)St. Pölten North (AT)Vienna East (AT)Vienna North (AT)Vienna South (AT)PolandBydgoszcz (PL)Częstochowa (PL)Gdańsk Port (PL)Gorzyce (PL)Iłowa (PL)Katowice (PL)Legnica (PL)Opole (PL)Rzeszów (PL)Sulechów (PL)Toruń (PL)Warsaw East (PL)Warsaw Emilianów (PL)Warsaw Janki (PL)Warsaw North (PL)Warsaw Nowy Konik (PL)Warsaw South (PL)Warsaw West (PL)Wrocław (PL)Zabrze (PL)Łódź Airport (PL)SlovakiaBanská Bystrica (SK)Bratislava (SK)Hlohovec (SK)Košice (SK)Krásno nad Kysucou (SK)Námestovo (SK)Nitra (SK)Nové Mesto nad Váhom (SK)Prešov North (SK)Prešov South (SK)Trnava (SK)Voderady (SK)Žilina (SK)Žilina Airport (SK)HungaryArrabona (HU)Arrabona - old (HU)Budapest East (HU)Budapest Ecser (HU)Budapest North (HU)Budapest Office Campus (HU)Budapest South (HU)Budapest Szigetszentmiklós (HU)Budapest Vecsés (HU)Budapest West (HU)Kecskemét (HU)Komárom (HU)Mór (HU)Mosonmagyaróvár (HU)Székesfehérvár (HU)Szombathely (HU)Szombathely East (HU)Tatabánya (HU)NetherlandsAmsterdam City (NL)Rotterdam (NL)SerbiaBelgrade Borca (RS)Belgrade City (RS)Belgrade North (RS)Belgrade West (RS)Jagodina (RS)Kragujevac (RS)Lviv (RS)Niš (RS)Novi Sad (RS)Novi Sad City (RS)Novi Sad East (RS)Sombor (RS)RomaniaArad (RO)Arad City (RO)Arad II (RO)Arad North (RO)Arad West (RO)Brasov (RO)Brasov West (RO)Bucharest (RO)Bucharest Chitila (RO)Bucharest North (RO)Bucharest South (RO)Bucharest West (RO)Caransebes (RO)Cluj (RO)Craiova East (RO)Deva (RO)Deva II (RO)Ineu (RO)Mogosoaia (RO)Oradea Cargo Terminal (RO)Oradea City (RO)Oradea North (RO)Pitești (RO)Pitești East (RO)Pitesti Oarja (RO)Ploiesti (RO)Salonta (RO)Satu Mare (RO)Sibiu (RO)Sibiu East (RO)Targu Mures (RO)Timișoara (RO)Timisoara City (RO)Timișoara Ghiroda (RO)Timisoara North (RO)Timisoara South (RO)Timisoara West (RO)Turda (RO)BulgariaPlovdiv North (BG)Sofia (BG)Sofia Airport (BG)Sofia East (BG)Sofia West (BG)


The property in Eichstätt is located in a commercial area in the southern part of the city, a setting typical for industrial and commercial zones where companies and warehouses are often situated. This location offers excellent road network connectivity while remaining somewhat distanced from central residential areas. Eichstätt itself lies in the scenic Altmühl Valley in Bavaria, known for its picturesque surroundings and historical significance. In the immediate vicinity, one can find other commercial businesses, craftsman operations, and storage facilities. Additionally, logistics and production companies are present in the area. The transportation connections are made via local roads, which lead toward the B13 federal highway and additional major routes, ensuring easy access for suppliers and customers alike. The surrounding Altmühl Valley landscape also offers nearby recreational areas and natural spaces, creating an attractive contrast to the industrial setting.

Park features

  • Location and Accessibility
  • Local Skilled Workforce
  • Strong Industries and Economic Sectors
  • Sustainability and Ecological Responsibility
  • 0 m²

    Available now

  • 17,027 m²


  • 3.32 ha

    Total area

  • 0 m²

    Built-up Area

Sandy Benz

Sandy Benz

“I will help you find your space”

Regional Benefits

Economic and Educational Hub in Bavaria: Eichstätt's Diverse Business Environment

Eichstätt and its surroundings have a strong agricultural tradition but also host numerous small and medium-sized enterprises, particularly in tourism and services. The city is also home to educational institutions, including the Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt, the only Catholic university in the German-speaking region. Infrastructure is well-developed, and with proximity to the B13 federal highway and connections to Ingolstadt and Nuremberg, Eichstätt is easily accessible by road.

Regional Map Zoom
Regional Map

Local Access

Eichstätt as a Business Location: Opportunities for SMEs in Bavaria

Eichstätt is an attractive business location in Bavaria, particularly for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in sectors like services, crafts, tourism, and education. Its central location provides strong road connections to major economic centers like Munich and Nuremberg, supporting efficient logistics. The presence of the Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt offers companies access to skilled professionals and potential research partnerships. Eichstätt’s economy is diversified, with tourism, agriculture, and established SMEs as key contributors.

1,5 km1,5 km
1,5 km1,5 km
2,5 km2,5 km
6 km6 km
Regional Map Zoom


Industrial Site in Eichstätt: Ideal for Business and Logistics

  • Built & Available
  • Planned
  • Built Occupied


Explore our list of buildings with available space below.

Building Available Space Status Type
Development opportunity 13,248 m² -- -- See details
A8 1,491 m² Planned CTBox See details
A9 1,491 m² Planned CTBox See details
A1 1,490 m² Planned CTBox See details
A5 1,479 m² Planned CTBox See details
A6 1,479 m² Planned CTBox See details
A10 1,455 m² Planned CTBox See details
A4 1,447 m² Planned CTBox See details
A3 1,447 m² Planned CTBox See details
A2 1,447 m² Planned CTBox See details
A7 1,447 m² Planned CTBox See details
A12 1,195 m² Planned CTBox See details
A11 1,159 m² Planned CTBox See details

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Sandy Benz

Business Development & Leasing Manager, South Germany

Sandy Benz

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