
GermanyAachen (DE)Aalen South (DE)Altlandsberg (DE)Bad Oeynhausen (DE)Bad Salzdetfurth (DE)Bielefeld (DE)Bochum (DE)Bornheim (DE)Bremen (DE)Bremen North (DE)Dinslaken South (DE)Dinslaken Thyssenstraße (DE)Dortmund Centre-East (DE)Dortmund West (DE)Drei Gleichen (DE)Düsseldorf (DE)Eichstätt (DE)Euskirchen (DE)Fehrbellin (DE)Gevelsberg East (DE)Gevelsberg South (DE)Grünsfeld (DE)Güstrow (DE)Hanau (DE)Hannover Center (DE)Hattingen (DE)Krefeld (DE)Lemgo (DE)Linthe (DE)Löhne (DE)Meerbusch (DE)Meschede (DE)Möckern (Stegelitz) (DE)Mönchweiler (DE)Mülheim (DE)Nümbrecht (DE)Oberding (DE)Oschersleben (DE)Osterwieck (DE)Rastatt (DE)Regensburg (DE)Remscheid Centre South (DE)Remscheid Centre West (DE)Remscheid North (DE)Ronnenberg (DE)Rosengarten (DE)Rostock (DE)Schleiz (DE)Schortens (DE)Schwerin (DE)Simmern (DE)Solingen (DE)Stuttgart (DE)Unna (DE)Weiden (DE)Wesel (DE)Westhausen (DE)Wildau (DE)Witten (DE)Wittingen (DE)Wolfratshausen (DE)Wuppertal (DE)Wuppertal Am Brögel (DE)Zella-Mehlis (DE)PolandBydgoszcz (PL)Częstochowa (PL)Gdańsk Port (PL)Gorzyce (PL)Iłowa (PL)Katowice (PL)Legnica (PL)Opole (PL)Rzeszów (PL)Sulechów (PL)Toruń (PL)Warsaw East (PL)Warsaw Emilianów (PL)Warsaw Janki (PL)Warsaw North (PL)Warsaw Nowy Konik (PL)Warsaw South (PL)Warsaw West (PL)Wrocław (PL)Zabrze (PL)Łódź Airport (PL)Czech Republic(CZ)Benátky nad Jizerou (CZ)Blatnice (CZ)Blučina (CZ)Bor (CZ)Brno (CZ)Brno Líšeň (CZ)Brno Retail Park (CZ)Brno South (CZ)Cerhovice (CZ)Česká Lípa (CZ)České Velenice (CZ)Cheb (CZ)Chomutov (CZ)Divišov (CZ)Hlubočky (CZ)Holubice (CZ)Hradec Králové (CZ)Hranice (CZ)Hrušky (CZ)Humpolec (CZ)Humpolec II (CZ)IQ Ostrava (CZ)Jihlava (CZ)Kadaň (CZ)Karviná (CZ)Kolín (CZ)Kralupy nad Vltavou (CZ)Kutná hora (CZ)Kvasiny (CZ)Liberec (CZ)Lipník nad Bečvou (CZ)Louny (CZ)Lysá nad Labem (CZ)Mladá Boleslav (CZ)Mladá Boleslav II (CZ)Modřice (CZ)Most (CZ)Nošovice (CZ)Nový Jičín (CZ)Okříšky (CZ)Ostrava (CZ)Ostrava Hrušov (CZ)Ostrava II (CZ)Ostrava Kunčičky (CZ)Ostrava Poruba (CZ)Pardubice (CZ)Planá nad Lužnicí (CZ)Plzeň (CZ)Podbořany (CZ)Pohořelice (CZ)Ponāvka (CZ)Prague Airport (CZ)Prague East (CZ)Prague North (CZ)Prague West (CZ)Přeštice (CZ)Spielberk (CZ)Stříbro (CZ)Teplice (CZ)Teplice II (CZ)Teplice III (CZ)Tošanovice (CZ)Týniště (CZ)Ústí nad Labem (CZ)Vlněna (CZ)Zákupy (CZ)Žatec (CZ)Žatec II (CZ)Žebrák (CZ)NetherlandsAmsterdam City (NL)Rotterdam (NL)AustriaBaden (AT)Kittsee (AT)Sollenau (AT)St. Pölten North (AT)Vienna East (AT)Vienna North (AT)Vienna South (AT)SlovakiaBanská Bystrica (SK)Bratislava (SK)Hlohovec (SK)Košice (SK)Krásno nad Kysucou (SK)Námestovo (SK)Nitra (SK)Nové Mesto nad Váhom (SK)Prešov North (SK)Prešov South (SK)Trnava (SK)Voderady (SK)Žilina (SK)Žilina Airport (SK)HungaryArrabona (HU)Arrabona - old (HU)Budapest East (HU)Budapest Ecser (HU)Budapest North (HU)Budapest Office Campus (HU)Budapest South (HU)Budapest Szigetszentmiklós (HU)Budapest Vecsés (HU)Budapest West (HU)Kecskemét (HU)Komárom (HU)Mór (HU)Mosonmagyaróvár (HU)Székesfehérvár (HU)Szombathely (HU)Szombathely East (HU)Tatabánya (HU)SerbiaBelgrade Borca (RS)Belgrade City (RS)Belgrade North (RS)Belgrade West (RS)Jagodina (RS)Kragujevac (RS)Lviv (RS)Niš (RS)Novi Sad (RS)Novi Sad City (RS)Novi Sad East (RS)Sombor (RS)RomaniaArad (RO)Arad City (RO)Arad II (RO)Arad North (RO)Arad West (RO)Brasov (RO)Brasov West (RO)Bucharest (RO)Bucharest Chitila (RO)Bucharest North (RO)Bucharest South (RO)Bucharest West (RO)Caransebes (RO)Cluj (RO)Craiova East (RO)Deva (RO)Deva II (RO)Ineu (RO)Mogosoaia (RO)Oradea Cargo Terminal (RO)Oradea City (RO)Oradea North (RO)Pitești (RO)Pitești East (RO)Pitesti Oarja (RO)Ploiesti (RO)Salonta (RO)Satu Mare (RO)Sibiu (RO)Sibiu East (RO)Targu Mures (RO)Timișoara (RO)Timisoara City (RO)Timișoara Ghiroda (RO)Timisoara North (RO)Timisoara South (RO)Timisoara West (RO)Turda (RO)BulgariaPlovdiv North (BG)Sofia (BG)Sofia Airport (BG)Sofia East (BG)Sofia West (BG)


The CTP business park is being developed in an industrial area near the Warnow River and will be built according to the latest standards. In addition to classic warehouse and logistics spaces, and representative office areas, the property offers multifunctional light-industrial halls. The flexible design and the option to combine different types of spaces allow the site to meet a wide range of requirements. Construction is scheduled to start in the first quarter of 2025, with the completion of the first phase planned for the end of 2025.

Park features

  • Good infrastructure
  • Flexible layout
  • Public transportation
  • 0 m²

    Available now

  • 33,214 m²


  • 6.83 ha

    Total area

  • 0 m²

    Built-up Area

Jöran Redies

Jöran Redies

“I will help you find your space”

Regional Benefits

A Thriving Hub on the German Baltic Coast

Rostock, the largest city in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, is a significant industrial and economic hub on Germany’s Baltic coast. Traditionally, the city has been shaped by its maritime economy, including shipbuilding, offshore wind energy, and port logistics, with key players such as Neptun Werft and Rostock Port. In recent years, Rostock has also become a center for high-tech industries, attracting sectors like aerospace, biotechnology, and renewable energy, supported by research institutes and innovation centers. With its coastal location, particularly in the popular Warnemünde area, Rostock is also a tourism hotspot, benefiting the service sector and retail industry.

Regional Map Zoom
Regional Map

Local Access

Strategic Location on Marieneher Street

Marieneher Street is located in the northwestern part of Rostock, in the district of Schmarl. The area is primarily characterized by industrial zones. Several major traffic routes (Federal Highways 103 and 105) are nearby, providing convenient connections to other parts of the city and the A19 and A20 highways. The street is also well-connected to public transportation, ensuring easy access to the city center and other districts by bus and tram.

0,5 km0,5 km
0,5 km0,5 km
0,2 km0,2 km
(A20) 14 km, 12 min;  Highway (A19): 6 km, 10 min (A20) 14 km, 12 min; Highway (A19): 6 km, 10 min
Regional Map Zoom


Modern Business Park Development in Rostock

  • Built & Available
  • Planned
  • Built Occupied


Explore our list of buildings with available space below.

Building Available Space Status Type
ROST8 11,431 m² planned CTBox See details
ROST1 3,533 m² planned CTBox See details
ROST2 3,532 m² planned CTBox See details
ROST6 3,530 m² planned CTBox See details
ROST7 3,530 m² planned CTBox See details
ROST3 2,658 m² planned CTBox See details
ROST4 2,658 m² planned CTBox See details
ROST5 1,790 m² planned CTBox See details
ROST9 552 m² planned CTBox See details

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Jöran Redies

Senior Business Developer, East Germany

Jöran Redies

Nearby parks

Country overview
35.9 km

CTPark Güstrow

The commercial property offers flexible space options for small, medium, and larger businesses. Office spaces and social areas are also available, allowing for the integration of administration on-site. Various companies, from craft businesses to storage and logistics service providers, have already settled in this area, contributing to the creation of a commercial network.

75.3 km

CTPark Schwerin

The CTP Location in Schwerin consists of a mix of business parks, warehouses, and offices. The area offers numerous small rental spaces where craft businesses and car repair shops have established themselves. It also provides sufficient storage or production space in halls of up to 2,000 m² for larger companies. Additionally, there is potential for expansion on the property, which can be utilized if needed.

152.4 km

CTPark Fehrbellin

The commercial area currently covers approximately 50 hectares and is located directly on the A24 motorway. An expansion to the south is planned. Numerous regional and national companies have established themselves here, including manufacturing businesses, service providers, and companies from the tourism industry. The existing hall spaces are multifunctional and can be used flexibly. There is further potential on the property to expand the site and develop new construction areas. Outdoor spaces for storage or parking are available.

178.7 km

CTPark Wittingen

The CTP location in Wittingen is an established production, storage, and administration complex with a total rental area of approximately 21,259 m², spread over two properties. The spaces at the location are flexibly divisible and suitable for various uses across different industries. Modern office and social areas are available. Hall height: Plant I (West): 5 m, Plant I (East) and Plant II: 7 m. There is ample outdoor space for parking or for additional construction or project development. The spaces were originally used by a printing company.

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