
Czech Republic(CZ)Benátky nad Jizerou (CZ)Blatnice (CZ)Blučina (CZ)Bor (CZ)Brno (CZ)Brno Líšeň (CZ)Brno Retail Park (CZ)Brno South (CZ)Cerhovice (CZ)Česká Lípa (CZ)České Velenice (CZ)Cheb (CZ)Chomutov (CZ)Divišov (CZ)Hlubočky (CZ)Holubice (CZ)Hradec Králové (CZ)Hranice (CZ)Hrušky (CZ)Humpolec (CZ)Humpolec II (CZ)IQ Ostrava (CZ)Jihlava (CZ)Kadaň (CZ)Karviná (CZ)Kolín (CZ)Kralupy nad Vltavou (CZ)Kutná hora (CZ)Kvasiny (CZ)Liberec (CZ)Lipník nad Bečvou (CZ)Louny (CZ)Lysá nad Labem (CZ)Mladá Boleslav (CZ)Mladá Boleslav II (CZ)Modřice (CZ)Most (CZ)Nošovice (CZ)Nový Jičín (CZ)Okříšky (CZ)Ostrava (CZ)Ostrava Hrušov (CZ)Ostrava II (CZ)Ostrava Kunčičky (CZ)Ostrava Poruba (CZ)Pardubice (CZ)Planá nad Lužnicí (CZ)Plzeň (CZ)Podbořany (CZ)Pohořelice (CZ)Ponāvka (CZ)Prague Airport (CZ)Prague East (CZ)Prague North (CZ)Prague West (CZ)Přeštice (CZ)Spielberk (CZ)Stříbro (CZ)Teplice (CZ)Teplice II (CZ)Teplice III (CZ)Tošanovice (CZ)Týniště (CZ)Ústí nad Labem (CZ)Vlněna (CZ)Zákupy (CZ)Žatec (CZ)Žatec II (CZ)Žebrák (CZ)GermanyAachen (DE)Aalen South (DE)Altlandsberg (DE)Bad Oeynhausen (DE)Bad Salzdetfurth (DE)Bielefeld (DE)Bochum (DE)Bornheim (DE)Bremen (DE)Bremen North (DE)Dinslaken South (DE)Dinslaken Thyssenstraße (DE)Dortmund Centre-East (DE)Dortmund West (DE)Drei Gleichen (DE)Düsseldorf (DE)Eichstätt (DE)Euskirchen (DE)Fehrbellin (DE)Gevelsberg East (DE)Gevelsberg South (DE)Grünsfeld (DE)Güstrow (DE)Hanau (DE)Hannover Center (DE)Hattingen (DE)Krefeld (DE)Lemgo (DE)Linthe (DE)Löhne (DE)Meerbusch (DE)Meschede (DE)Möckern (Stegelitz) (DE)Mönchweiler (DE)Mülheim (DE)Nümbrecht (DE)Oberding (DE)Oschersleben (DE)Osterwieck (DE)Rastatt (DE)Regensburg (DE)Remscheid Centre South (DE)Remscheid Centre West (DE)Remscheid North (DE)Ronnenberg (DE)Rosengarten (DE)Rostock (DE)Schleiz (DE)Schortens (DE)Schwerin (DE)Simmern (DE)Solingen (DE)Stuttgart (DE)Unna (DE)Weiden (DE)Wesel (DE)Westhausen (DE)Wildau (DE)Witten (DE)Wittingen (DE)Wolfratshausen (DE)Wuppertal (DE)Wuppertal Am Brögel (DE)Zella-Mehlis (DE)AustriaBaden (AT)Kittsee (AT)Sollenau (AT)St. Pölten North (AT)Vienna East (AT)Vienna North (AT)Vienna South (AT)PolandBydgoszcz (PL)Częstochowa (PL)Gdańsk Port (PL)Gorzyce (PL)Iłowa (PL)Katowice (PL)Legnica (PL)Opole (PL)Rzeszów (PL)Sulechów (PL)Toruń (PL)Warsaw East (PL)Warsaw Emilianów (PL)Warsaw Janki (PL)Warsaw North (PL)Warsaw Nowy Konik (PL)Warsaw South (PL)Warsaw West (PL)Wrocław (PL)Zabrze (PL)Łódź Airport (PL)SlovakiaBanská Bystrica (SK)Bratislava (SK)Hlohovec (SK)Košice (SK)Krásno nad Kysucou (SK)Námestovo (SK)Nitra (SK)Nové Mesto nad Váhom (SK)Prešov North (SK)Prešov South (SK)Trnava (SK)Voderady (SK)Žilina (SK)Žilina Airport (SK)HungaryArrabona (HU)Arrabona - old (HU)Budapest East (HU)Budapest Ecser (HU)Budapest North (HU)Budapest Office Campus (HU)Budapest South (HU)Budapest Szigetszentmiklós (HU)Budapest Vecsés (HU)Budapest West (HU)Kecskemét (HU)Komárom (HU)Mór (HU)Mosonmagyaróvár (HU)Székesfehérvár (HU)Szombathely (HU)Szombathely East (HU)Tatabánya (HU)SerbiaBelgrade Borca (RS)Belgrade City (RS)Belgrade North (RS)Belgrade West (RS)Jagodina (RS)Kragujevac (RS)Lviv (RS)Niš (RS)Novi Sad (RS)Novi Sad City (RS)Novi Sad East (RS)Sombor (RS)NetherlandsAmsterdam City (NL)Rotterdam (NL)RomaniaArad (RO)Arad City (RO)Arad II (RO)Arad North (RO)Arad West (RO)Brasov (RO)Brasov West (RO)Bucharest (RO)Bucharest Chitila (RO)Bucharest North (RO)Bucharest South (RO)Bucharest West (RO)Caransebes (RO)Cluj (RO)Craiova East (RO)Deva (RO)Deva II (RO)Ineu (RO)Mogosoaia (RO)Oradea Cargo Terminal (RO)Oradea City (RO)Oradea North (RO)Pitești (RO)Pitești East (RO)Pitesti Oarja (RO)Ploiesti (RO)Salonta (RO)Satu Mare (RO)Sibiu (RO)Sibiu East (RO)Targu Mures (RO)Timișoara (RO)Timisoara City (RO)Timișoara Ghiroda (RO)Timisoara North (RO)Timisoara South (RO)Timisoara West (RO)Turda (RO)BulgariaPlovdiv North (BG)Sofia (BG)Sofia Airport (BG)Sofia East (BG)Sofia West (BG)


CTPark Plzeň is strategically located near Plzeň’s city centre, with on-site public transport and easy access to the E50/D5 motorway to Germany / Prague.  A number of major international companies have located various types of business operations in the area. The park is ideal for companies locating high-tech, R&D and product development centres in the region.

Park features

  • Central location/easy accessibility
  • New four-lane connector to E50/D5
  • High level of FDI in the area
  • University city with Technical Faculty
  • Available skilled labour
  • Onsite public transport
  • Prague airport – 90 km
  • German border – 75 km
  • Low-wage area
A premium project where your business grows in connection with history
  • 29,594 m²

    Available now

  • 23,247 m²


  • 24.94 ha

    Total area

  • 237,312 m²

    Built-up Area

Jana Hain-Schmiedberská

Jana Hain-Schmiedberská

“I will help you find your space”

Regional Benefits

CTPark Plzeň: Where Innovation Meets Strategic Location

CTPark Plzeň is strategically located near Plzeň’s city centre, with on-site public transport and easy access to the E50/D5 motorway to Germany / Prague. A number of major international companies have located various types of business operations in the area. The park is ideal for companies locating high-tech, R&D and product development centres in the region.

Regional Map Zoom
Regional Map

Local Access

Perfect location within the city of Plzeň

CTPark Plzeň is strategically located within the fourth biggest city in the Czech republic, providing excellent highway access to the German border via the D5 highway (Prague – Nurenberg).

Solar ReadySolar Ready
Water RecyclingWater Recycling
Bike PathsBike Paths
in close vicinityin close vicinity
Worker AccommodationWorker Accommodation
Regional Map Zoom


The largest Plzeň development - Borská pole

  • Built & Available
  • Planned
  • Built Occupied


Explore our list of buildings with available space below.

Building Available Space Status Type
BP27 9,649 m² built CTFlex See details
BP4 - available 01/2025 7,632 m² built CTFlex See details
BP26A 6,440 m² built CTSpace See details
BP29 3,326 m² built CTBox See details
BP28 1,480 m² built CTBox See details
BP14 1,067 m² built CTBox See details
BP26B 5,300 m² planned CTSpace See details
BP32 2,452 m² planned CTBox See details
Under Construction
BP30 11,344 m² under construction See details
BP31 4,151 m² under construction CTBox See details

Key Park Data

Park & Nearby Investors

SGL Solutions Megatech Lidl PPL Lagermax DHL Solutions MOL MD Elektronik Megatech Lidl PPL Lagermax DHL Solutions MOL MD Elektronik

Industries in the Park

12%retail trade
Regional Map ZoomSolar Ready
Regional Map ZoomWater Recycling
Regional Map ZoomCafe
Regional Map ZoomBike Paths
Regional Map Zoomin close vicinity
Regional Map ZoomFitness
Regional Map ZoomWorker Accommodation
Regional Map ZoomShop

Commercial contact

Get In Contact

Jana Hain-Schmiedberská

Business Developer, West Bohemia Region

Jana Hain-Schmiedberská

Nearby parks

Country overview
10.8 km

CTPark Blatnice

CTPark Blatnice is ideally located just 17km from Pilsen city on the D5 motorway toward the German border. Nearby Pilsen city is home to a number of technical universities which makes CTPark Blatnice ideally situated to take advantage of a skilled and available talent pool. The park offers convenient access to international trade routes, making it an ideal distribution hub for domestic and international logistics operations.

16.6 km

CTPark Přeštice

CTPark Přeštice is located just 15km from Plzeň, a city with a long tradition of excellence in engineering and manufacturing. The area is a popular location for manufacturers and logistics providers, primarily due to its advantageous geographical position nearby the main D5 highway between Prague, the German border and Nuremberg, Germany.

24.6 km

CTPark Stříbro

Historically, mining and quarrying were what brought Stříbro to the forefront and gave the city its name. The area has always benefitted from its advantageous position on the trading route Praha-Norimberk (DE), and its proximity to Plzeň (30 km to the East). The city is easily accessible via highway D5 from both directions. As of 2016, Stříbro has been focused on further development of the city regarding transportation, cultural life, education and jobs. Based on the population’s needs, strategic goals were set and plan to be met within the next few years. Because of a need for more employment, new positions in the service industry are crucial. Furthermore, as part of the Plzeň region, the area is highly attractive to young professionals and students coming from universities like Západočeská univerzita in Plzeň, which produces graduates in the machine and electrical engineering sphere. This has made expanding infrastructure a top priority in the past, and it remains a priority for the future. Businesses in the location.

37.5 km

CTPark Cerhovice

Central location on the E50/D5 motorway between Prague (50 km) and Plzeň (40 km). Ideal for logistics, supply chains and light manufacturing. Strategic location and direct motorway access for rapid deliveries to wholesalers, retailers and end-consumers. Large-scale facilities and available land for expansion.

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