Czech Republic benefits from its central position in Europe, with nearly 60 million people reachable. This includes 32 million residents in Germany and 6 million in Austria.
Growing economy
Competitive costs
Competitive costs
The manufacturing net labor costs in the Czech Republic are €18.5/hour, compared to €32/hour on average in the EU. For transportation and storage, the labor costs are €16.7/hour in the Czech Republic compared to on average €27.8/hour in the EU.
Industrial & Logistics HUB in Central Europe
Skilled workforce
Skilled workforce
Among European regions, Prague (zjistit celou ČR) has the highest percentage (12.7%) of its workforce employed in high-tech sectors (EU average 5.1%).
Competitive costs
Growing economy
Growing economy
In 2023, the GDP of the Czech Republic was 409 billion USD, which represents an increase of approximately 41% over the past 15 years. The expected GDP in 10 years is 493 billion USD since 2024, which represents an increase of approximately 20%.