25 years of Electron Microscopy on the Czech Market
FEI Company, acquired by and now known as Thermo Fisher Scientific, celebrates 25 years of activity on the Czech market.
About FEI/Thermo Fischer Scientific
Thermo Fischer Scientific’s (TSF) acquisition of FEI Company in early 2016 is testament to the world-leading science and manufacturing found in Brno. Brno’s branch of a global company has become an important development and production centre and one of the largest exporters in the Czech Republic. In Brno, TSF designs, develops, assembles and tests the world’s most advanced electron microscopes and delivers these to a range of customers all over the world, including Asia, South America and Africa.
FEI Company first came to Brno in the 1993, attracted by the city’s strong university system, large skilled workforce, and its long industrial tradition producing precision optical equipment. Via its former tie-up with Philips in the 1990’s, FEI’s electron microscope business in the Czech Republic traces its roots back to the 1950s, to the company Tesla and to strong research institutes in Brno at that time.
CTP’s FEI Technology Centre at CTPark Brno won the 1st place in the industrial category at the Best of Realty awards in 2014 for the FEI Technology Centre at CTPark Brno making it one of the highlights of the CTP history.
Brno as High Tech Magnet
High-tech industries are not new to Brno: the city is often touted as the Czech Silicon Valley. Thermo Fisher’s presence in the city underlines the deep tradition of high-tech industry in Brno. Many other global players producing high-value added products are also active in Brno, namely IBM, Honeywell, AVG/Avast, Monster, Red Hat, among many others. It is also home of the the Central European Institute of Technology (CEITEC) and the International Clinical Research Center in Brno.
Brno’s easy accessibility and cosmopolitan nature stem from its unique location: Prague, Vienna and Bratislava are at a maximum of 200 km away, and Brno itself is the metropolis of the bustling Moravia. When the New York Times recommends your bars (link) and the Guardian praises your energy (link), you know you’re doing something right. That’s exactly what happened to Brno, and Brno feels rightfully proud.
Brno has also many renowned educational institutions. Masaryk University (one of the most renowned universities in CEE), Brno University of Technology and Mendel University are among the thirteen universities that impress in the quality of preparation for the professional world, specifically when it comes to the sphere of technology and research.
According to the Global Talent Competitiveness Index Report—which evaluated 119 countries and 90 top cities—Brno is one of the most talent competitive places in the world.
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