10. 07. 2020
CTP brings art to public spaces as part of long-term cooperation with local artists

CTP Brings to Life Two More Art Walls at CTPark Prague Airport and CTPark Plzeň

CTP brings art to public spaces as part of long-term cooperation with local artists

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Prague, 10.7.2020

  • CTP brings art to public spaces as part of long-term cooperation with local artists

CTP took possession of a new mural from the author Michal Škapa a.k.a. Tron – essentially the real estate owner approved graffiti as decoration. The giant painting adorns the side wall of CTPark Prague Airport in Kněževs, adjacent to Prague’s Václav Havel international Airport, from where people it can also be seen. The nature-inspired painting, which is overseen by a giant eye in the centre of the painting, is located on a wall 350m long by 15m tall. Thus, it covers an area over 5000 m2. It is thus the largest work of art in the country and is one of the largest in the world.

In 2017, CTP announced an international competition—CTP Art Wall—reaching out to more than 200 artists from all over Europe. For “painting”, CTP offered the walls of its halls in Humpolec and Prague. While the Humpolec hall facing the D1 motorway has been decorated with fauna and flora by Belgian artist Dzia for more than two years, Prague’s CTPark Prague Airport has only acquired its final design with a giant work of art this May.

We like to work with young people and especially like to use their art in our developments, like we have done in IQ Ostrava, Spielberk, at CTPark Humpolec and other places over the years. Art on the industrial building walls surprises, they respond to it very well,” said founder and CEO of CTP Invest Remon Vos.

Another mural CTP has just finished is in Plzeň in cooperation with the Ladislav Sutnar Faculty of Design and Art of the University of West Bohemia. CTP wants to bring art into dpublic space on such unexpected canvases as the walls of industrial halls, and plans to introduce art to other places in the Czech Republic and abroad where CTP operates. In Hungary, CTP has already launched a similar competition and is looking for an artist who will beautify the wall of CTPark Budapest West. CTP further plans to bring art to its halls also in Romania.

The company has supported art for a long time. CTP has ongoing cooperation with Michal Škapa. In addition to the largest painting at Prague’s Airport, Škapa created an image on the front wall of a preserved boiler house at Vlněna where CTP is building a high-tech office complex in Brno. In Vlněna, construction site cabins and one of the older buildings served as Michal Škapa’s canvas. In addition to the giant mural of Belgian artist Dzia, the company’s headquarters in Humpolec are decorated with other large-format paintings on walls and suspended ceilings. The company commissioned the artist Mark Čihal to create paintings or sculptures in the office building IQ Ostrava, and in Brno at Spielberk office centre. CTP plans to work with Michal Škapa to install neon walls at CTPark Prague East on the D1 motorway.

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