15. 03. 2022

CTP N.V. convenes the Annual General Meeting of Shareholders

AMSTERDAM, 15 March 2022 – CTP N.V. (‘CTP’ or the ‘Company’), Continental Europe’s largest owner, developer and manager of high quality industrial and logistics real estate by gross lettable area (GLA), today convenes its Annual General Meeting of Shareholders (AGM) and publishes the agenda with explanatory notes.

The Company’s AGM will be held at 10.00 hours (CET) on Tuesday 26 April 2022 at the Intercontinental Amstel Hotel, Professor Tulpplein 1, 1018 GX Amsterdam, the Netherlands. The agenda will include several items such as a proposal to adopt the Company’s 2021 annual accounts and to determine the final dividend over the financial year 2021.

In addition to attending the AGM in person, considering the continuing circumstances regarding COVID-19 and to protect the health and safety of all participants, shareholders are offered the possibility to attend the AGM virtually via the online platform of the AGM and to vote and ask questions in writing before and during the meeting.

The convening notice, the full agenda with explanatory notes, the 2021 Annual Report (which was published on 9 March 2022), as well as all other documents related to the AGM, can be found on the page https://ctp.eu/investors/shareholder-meetings .



Jan-Evert Post, Head of Funding & Investor Relations
Mobile: +31 615 038 729
Email:  jan.evert.post@ctp.eu

Sandra van Loon, Company Secretary
Mobile: +31 6 81 50 47 85
Email: sandra.vanloon@ctp.eu



Bellier Communication
Steve Hays
Mobile: +31 6 52 31 07 62
Email: steve.hays@bellierfinancial.com



CTP Group

CTP is Continental Europe’s largest owner, developer and manager of logistics and industrial real estate by gross lettable area, owning over 7.6 million sqm of space in ten countries per 31 December 2021. CTP is the only developer in the region with its entire portfolio BREEAM certified and on track to reach carbon neutral operations this year, underlying its commitment to being a sustainable business. For more information visit our corporate website: ctp.eu


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