31. 08. 2021


On 17 August 2021, CTP announced an H1 2021 interim dividend of € 0.17 per share, being 75% of company specific adjusted EPRA earnings.

Utrecht / Amsterdam, 31 August 2021 – CTP N.V., CEE’s largest logistics property owner and developer listed on Euronext Amsterdam (ticker symbol: CTPNV), today announces the conversion ratio of its stock dividend for the interim dividend.

On 17 August 2021, CTP announced an H1 2021 interim dividend of € 0.17 per share, being 75% of company specific adjusted EPRA earnings. Shareholders were given the choice to receive the interim dividend either in cash or shares.

The number of dividend rights that entitles to 1 new ordinary CTP share has been set at 108. The conversion ratio is based on the volume-weighted average price of the CTP share during the period from 26 August up to and including 30 August 2021.

The stock dividend corresponds to the cash dividend of € 0.17 per ordinary share (nominal value: € 0.16).
Shareholders representing 92% of the total number of outstanding ordinary shares have chosen to receive the dividend in stock, while shareholders representing 8% of the total number of outstanding ordinary shares opted for payment in cash.

Based on the conversion ratio and after delivery of the ordinary shares due to the conversion of dividend rights, the total number of outstanding ordinary shares will increase by 3,375,810 to a total of 400,392,810 shares. The payment date for the dividend payment in cash and delivery of the ordinary shares has been set on 22 September 2021.

For more information
Jan-Evert Post
Head of Funding & Investor Relations
Mobile: +31 615 038 729
Email: jan.evert.post@ctp.eu




About CTP

CTP is a top five industrial property developer and developer in Europe and the largest in CEE, with over 6.6 million m² of logistics space and operations in nine countries. The company is on target to expand its portfolio to 10 million m² by year-end 2023. With its entire portfolio BREEAM certified, CTP claims the position of the most sustainable developer in the region and is on track to reach carbon neutrality this year. At the end of March 2021 CTP listed on the Euronext Amsterdam stock exchange.


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