18. 10. 2019

TI-Hanil moves to the new premises of CTPark in Krásno nad Kysucou

CTP recently handed over a new hall in the industrial part of Krásno nad Kysucou to TI-Hanil. It will move its production from Čadec to the new 10,617 m² hall in February 2020. TI-Hanil focuses on the production of brake and automotive harnesses for the automotive industry. It currently provides jobs for 430 people in the region.

“I am very pleased to have captured TI-Hanil’s strategic location in our industrial park, thereby contributing to meeting their ambitions and business plan. Our goal to connect good accessibility to Zilina, with the Czech and Polish business markets, was connected with the interests of TI-Hanil. The proximity and availability of the largest automotive plant agglomeration in Central Europe is truly key to the production of this company, ”said Remon Vos, CEO of CTP.

The new hall to which TI-Hanil will move in February will meet strict certification criteria regarding the energy performance of buildings. CTP continues its corporate philosophy, which is based on the principles of green policy and sustainable development. To meet the strict certification criteria of all its buildings in six countries around the world, CTP has strategically partnered with BRE, which will screen approximately 300 real estate developer buildings. Thanks to this independent and comprehensive third party certification, CTP Invest shows the public its unequivocal attitude to environmental principles.

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