18. 01. 2019

TI Automotive signed for a new factory in Krásno nad Kysucou

Other Slovak developments are under way in Žilina, Trnava, Hlohovec and Nové Mesto nad Váhom.

CTP is glad to extend cooperation with our valued client TI Automotive, who will extend its production facilities in CTPark Krásno nad Kysucou. The development of the 8,700 m2 production facility is set to start in the first quarter of 2019 with another extension of 2,300 m2 in sight.

Among the CTP’s Slovak activities there are many of the projects prepared for completion during Q1 2019. For Constellium 10,000 m2 are in development in CTPark Žilina. Expansion of the production facility for Gefco in CTPark Trnava will enlarge its operations  by more than 7,000 m2. In CTPark Hlohovec we plan to finish a 5,000 m2 extension for Faurecia as well as a 4,000 m2 extension for another automotive industry leader, TRW Automotive in CTPark Nové Mesto nad Váhom.

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