20. 06. 2019

CTP’s Vlněna Project Awarded Excellent BREEAM Sustainability Certificate

CTP’s Vlněna business park in downtown Brno has been awarded an ‘Excellent’ rating by BREEAM, the globally-recognised assessment body for sustainability in construction.

The first two buildings to be completed, (buildings F & G), were awarded, while certification for the third building (H) is expected to be completed in the coming weeks.

The news of the award arrives as AVAST celebrates moving into 8,000 square metres at Vlněna, where the world-leading software security company will join Oracle, STRV and Moravia IT as the business park’s charter tenants.

“We are delighted to announce Vlněna’s BREEAM award,” says Stefan de Goeij, CTP’s head of property management and a long-standing advocate of sustainability in construction. “The Vlněna site is a former textile factory which we have been able to re-purpose, making minimal impact on the environment, with the enthusiastic support of the local authorities. CTP is also proud to be playing its part in Brno’s growing status as a major European hub of IT and engineering innovation.”

Vlněna will total over 90,000 square metres when it is completed and represents an investment close to €200 million by CTP. It is a landmark example of an urban brownfield site receiving a new lease on life as a home for the dominant industries of the 21st century. When complete, Vlněna will provide working accommodation and lifestyle facilities for 10,000 people.

De Goeij points out that BREEAM certification is not just an accolade but also a commercially important distinction: “BREEAM recognition means that tenants can confidently promise the highest quality working conditions to their employees, so a business park like Vlněna attracts the best-quality tenants, which is important to CTP’s investors. It also means that CTP is ‘walking the talk’ when it comes to investing in the best machinery, equipment and apparatus for operating buildings with minimum environmental impact and maximum social/economic benefits.”

This is the 18th BREEAM award which CTP has received since 2013. The company’s policy is to design and equip all new buildings to BREEAM standards and to re-fit older buildings to the same standards.

BREEAM has been the globally-recognised certification system for construction since 1990. Its standards are set by the Building Research Establishment, formerly a UK government agency, headquartered in Watford.

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