01. 07. 2022

CTP wins Industrial Developer of the Year prize at 2022 CEEQA flagship Gala, plus awards for Resilience and NetZero achievements

CTP Group was recognised as Central and Eastern Europe Industrial Developer of the Year at the prestigious CEEQA Awards presented at a gala dinner ceremony in Warsaw on June 29th. The Group also picked up the best-in-class prizes as a Resilience and NetZero real estate company, which are awarded respectively for business leadership and those firms that are most advanced in the pursuit of reaching the sustainable goal of net zero greenhouse gas emissions.

Remon Vos, CEO of CTP, said:

“CTP is extremely proud to have won this hat-trick of prizes at the CEEQA Awards. The awards represents recognition from our peers of the achievements of all the CTP teams on the ground across CEE and I’d like to thank the jury for the time and work they’ve put into understanding our story. These awards in three key market leadership categories demonstrate CTP’s relentless focus on delivering top class modern sustainable buildings to our customers and superior investment performance to our investors.”

The CEEQA platform seeks to encourage thought leadership and recognise business excellence across 18 countries in ‘New Europe,’ as well as to showcase the achievements of CEE’s commercial real estate marketplace to the international investment arena through its market insight platform and the sector’s main annual industry awards.

CEEQA is organised in association with global consulting firm Deloitte.

Media Contact :  Bellier Communication

Steve Hays                                                                            Samuel Rhydderch
T: +31 20 419 0901                                                                T: +31 619 133 864
E: steve.hays@bellierfinancial.com                                      E: sam.rhydderch@bellierfinancial.com


CTP Group

CTP is Continental Europe’s listed largest owner, developer and manager of logistics and industrial real estate by gross lettable area, owning over 9.3 million sqm of space in ten countries per 31 March 2022. CTP is the only developer in the region with its entire portfolio BREEAM certified and became carbon neutral in operations in 2021, underlying its commitment to being a sustainable business.


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