07. 12. 2023

CTP extends rental agreement with service company for offshore wind turbines in Emden

• Rental agreement with Wind Multiplikator extended long-term • Service hub for offshore wind farms in Emden offers more than 25,000 sqm of hall space and 28,000 sqm of storage space

As of January 1, 2024, CTP, Europe’s largest listed developer, owner, and manager of industrial and logistics properties by gross lettable area (GLA), is extending the lease agreement with Wind Multiplikator powered by Semco Maritime for over 50,000 sqm of space in Emden. Wind Multiplikator is a full-service provider specializing in the management of offshore wind farms and projects as well as the provision of engineering and consulting services. The company employs a total of 290 people at its Emden operations center and its Bremen site. By extending the contract, Wind Multiplikator is securing its location in Niedersachsen for the future.

CTP is providing the company with more than 25,000 sqm of hall space and 28,000 sqm of storage space for its operations center in Emden, which has an operating area of 167,000 sqm. This is where the repair and storage of large components as well as material management takes place. The site also has a 450-ton gantry crane and direct access to the North Sea.

Michael Munder-Oschimek, CEO and founder of Wind Multiplikator, comments:

“Given our continued positive development, extending the lease agreement with CTP Germany in Emden was only a logical step for us. With its own quay facilities, the heavy-duty gantry crane and the direct connection to the North Sea, the location offers a unique infrastructure that we want to secure for the future.”

Timo Hielscher, Managing Director of the West and East regions of Germany at CTP, says:

“As a developer, owner, and manager of industrial and logistics properties, we acquire and rent out properties in attractive business locations such as Emden. The location is particularly suitable for innovations, as business, science and politics succeed in keeping knowledge and new technologies in the region through close cooperation. The market for renewable energies is one of Emden's three most important economic sectors. We are therefore delighted to provide Wind Multiplikator, as a service company for offshore wind turbines, with modern space at this special location for the long term.”




About CTP
CTP is Europe’s largest listed owner, developer, and manager of logistics and industrial real estate by gross lettable area, owning 11.2 million sqm of GLA across 10 countries as at 30 September 2023. CTP certifies all new buildings to BREEAM Very good or better and earned a ‘Negligible-Risk’ ESG rating by Sustainalytics, underlining its commitment to being a sustainable business. For more information, visit CTP’s corporate website: www.ctp.eu

teamtosse GmbH
Dr. Dennis Kalde
Tel.: +49 (89) 41 41 75 290
E-Mail: dennis.kalde@teamtosse.de



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