03. 06. 2024

A sports and recreation area for the public was opened in Devínská Nová Ves yesterday—part of a new investment project built by CTP

CTP, a leading developer, owner and manager of industrial real estate, inaugurated yesterday in the presence of the mayor of the Devínska Nová Ves municipal district, Dárius Krajčir,  a leisure and recreation complex that will serve not only the residents of the adjacent apartment buildings, but also everyone from Devínska Nová Ves and its visitors. The recreation complex, the main element of which is a bicycle pump track, is part of the investment that CTP is making in the locality.

Ivan Pastier, CTP’s Director of Business Development in Slovakia, explains:

“CTP announced the construction of the pump track last year, with handover projected at the end of May 2024. “The construction works went according to plan, and we are very pleased that the public will be able to enjoy a sporting experience on this adrenaline track. The pump track was created in mutual consultation with the municipality’s management, and we believe that it will make families happy and will be used frequently.”

On Opletalova Street, where the company is implementing the construction in accordance with the zoning plan, an exercise playground and small park have also been added. “We want to assure everyone that the pump track, playground, and the park itself will be available to the public. As a good neighbour, our aim is to bring additional amenities to the localities where we operate and to improve the public space for recreation, for example,” adds Ivan Pastier.

The pump track, with a total length of 41 metres and a maximum vertical drop of 1.2 metres, is designed for riders of all ages and abilities. It is characterised by “pedalling without pedalling,” with riders gaining speed by moving their body and changing their centre of gravity. The investor has also built a walkway, benches and installed public lighting in the area. There is also a dedicated space for a skatepark.

Dárius Krajčír, the mayor of the municipality, says:

“I am very happy that Devínska Nová Ves can now boast another place where our residents will meet and will be able to spend their free time actively. This is a great project that will serve all ages and lead to sport and exercise, which are extremely necessary for all of us nowadays in terms of health. I am glad that the initiative of our municipality to build a pump track has become a reality, and thanks to the successful ongoing cooperation with CTP we can now officially open this area for our citizens.”

CTP has also already planted 250 new trees, tree beds and shrubs on the nearly 5,000 sqm of land as part of the company’s efforts to maintain the greenery in the surroundings.





Barbora Drobná
Marketing Specialist
Telefón: +421 901 700 508
Email: barbora.drobna@ctp.eu

Black Apple
Ľubica Turčanová
Executive Director
Telefón: +421 905 575 832
Email: lubka@blackapple.sk


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