CTP N.V. Annual Report 2022

A year of achievements

CTP achieved exceptional results in 2022. We have much to be proud of after our first full year as a publicly traded company, with record GLA, income, and rental growth. With its macroeconomic headwinds, 2022 demonstrated the resiliency of our business model and was a solid continuation of our 25-year history of exceptional growth, with the potential for much more. […] As current geopolitical and macroeconomic trends benefit our core CEE markets, and as our business model proves to be more resilient than alternatives, we are confident that we can achieve our ambitious goal to double our portfolio to 20 million sqm of GLA before the end of the decade. We have the land, we have the clients, we have the talent and tools. Full speed to 20 million!

Remon Vos, CEO
Remon Vos, CEO
Amsterdam, 3 March 2023

Strong results across key financial indicators

We ended the year with strong results across all key financial indicators, with profit for the period of €796.5 million and 12-month contracted rental revenues nearing €600 million. Rental income increased y-o-y by 44.9% to €485.0 million, and 4.5% on a like-for-like basis. Net Rental Income (“NRI”) grew y-o-y by 38.3% to €452.1 million. Company specific adjusted EPRA earnings per share came to €0.61 per share, outperforming guidance. […] We ended 2022 with liquidity of €1.1 billion. Our robust cash position and revolving credit facility, combined with our strong access to bond markets and bank financing, puts us in a prime position to act quickly and seize growth opportunities as they arise. Given the current market conditions and the strength of CTP’s build-to-own business s model, we anticipate significant opportunities in the coming years.

Richard Wilkinson, CFO
Richard Wilkinson, CFO
Amsterdam, 3 March 2023
Richard & Remon

Growth of GLA
(in '000s sqm)

Historical GLA Growth (in mil. sqm)

Next 12 months’ contracted revenue
(in € million)


Leasing activity development
(in '000s sqm)

Leasing activity development (in '000s sqm)

Total installed capacity
(in MWp)

Total installed capacity (in MWp)

EPRA NTA per share

Historical GLA Growth (in mil. sqm)

Company specific adjusted EPS

Next 12 months’ contracted revenue (€ million)

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