Statement of the CEO
Remon L. Vos
Sustainability and community have always been part of CTP’s core values and company culture. We have a long history of making positive impacts on our community, developing sustainable buildings, and conducting our business in an ethical and accountable manner. As CTP grows as a company, we continue to deepen our ESG goals and increase disclosure—which is why I am excited to present CTP’s inaugural ESG Report.

ESG comes naturally to CTP, as we have always been committed to long-term, sustainable development. CTP was the first developer in CEE to receive a BREEAM Outstanding building certification, and we have long been recognised in our markets as leaders in the development of energy efficient property solutions. At CTP, we do not view ESG as something that hinders business, but rather as an integral part of our overall strategy to grow long-term shareholder value over time while benefitting all other stakeholders.

As the long-term owner-operator of our portfolio of business parks, we have also, from the beginning, made significant investments to im-prove the quality of life and infrastructure of the communities where we operate, as we strive to be good neighbours and good corporate citizens in our markets. This has always been part of CTP’s business strategy and is now codified and amplified in our ESG strategy going forward.

CTP has grown consistently over the course of its 25-year history. Today we employ nearly 700 property professionals in the ten countries where we operate—with approximately a 50:50 male/female ratio be-low the Board level, which we have maintained for many years. During 2022 we continued to increase the number of women in leadership posi-tions, with the goal to have 30% representation in senior management.
Letter from Chairwoman of
Sustainability Committee
Susanne Eickermann-Riepe
Our world is rapidly changing—driven by trends in how we live, work and play and threatening developments such as climate change. A company like CTP has the opportunity to positively influence this change through its presence in ten countries and its economic strength. The year 2022, with its macroeconomic headwinds, demonstrated the resiliency of CTP’s business model and was a solid continuation of consistent and sustainable growth for the Group.

From the perspective of a company, sustainability begins with the awareness that all decisions have an influence on the environment, on employees, society and nature. This leads to the second step of being willing to minimise negative consequences for the outside world and maximise positive effects. In line with CTP’s long-term business prin-ciples and strategy going forward, sustainability and the principles of ESG are integral to operations at all levels. CTP strives to be climate positive and is committed to reducing carbon emissions, increasing the production of renewable energy, and aligning operations with all rele-vant frameworks and regulations.

CTP’s sustainability efforts were recognised by Sustainalytics, with an ESG Rating of 10.2 and assessed as Low Risk; by Standard & Poor’s, with a Global Sustainability Assessment and ESG Evaluation Score of 67; as well as by the Company’s inclusion in the AEX ESG in-dex, Which includes the 25 companies within the AEX and AMX indices demonstrating best Environmental, Social and Governance practices.
Highlights 2022
ESG strategy launch
In 2022, CTP took several steps to formalise and institutionalise its ESG strategy across the Group. CTP developed a four-pillar ap-proach to systemise topics that the Com-pany considers material. The “pillars” are: striving to be climate positive; embedding parks in communities; stimulating social im-pact & well-being; and conducting business with integrity. These pillars capture focus areas and represent interlinked groups of activities. As CTP grows and evolves, so too does its ESG strategy. The Company ensures that it regularly updates its ESG strategy to focus on the most material topics and have the greatest possible impact. During the second half of 2022, as part of refining the Company’s ESG strategy, CTP conducted its first “Double Materiality Assessment”. Double materiality assessments evaluate the impact of the Company on ESG matters and the potential financial impact of ESG mat-ters on Company performance. The outcome of the assessment has been used to adjust strategy and define relevant KPIs.
ESG Committee established
To improve the governance of ESG topics, including climate-related risks and opportu-nities within the Group and to enhance the Board’s oversight, in 2022 CTP established the ESG Committee. The ESG Committee consists of non-Executive Directors and guests, including the Executive Directors and the Group Head of ESG. Committee meetings are held on a regular basis to ensure that ESG is an integral part of CTP’s strategy and that ESG and climate-related targets are followed up.
Physical climate risk
In 2022 CTP conducted a physical climate risk assessment to verify acute and chronic physical climate risks. The tool makes use of nine different climate scenarios, from REMIND (1.5 °C) to the IPCC (5 °C), looking towards the year 2100 and analysing climate risks considered potentially material for the Company, which include coastal flooding, extreme heat, extreme cold, fluvial flooding, tropical cyclones, water stress and wildfires. Based on the outcome of the analysis, mate-rial climate risks have been identified. Given the geographical distribution of its proper-ties, the collective adaptation measures be-ing implemented in the respective countries and the buildings’ robust design and con-struction, CTP does not foresee any analysed climate risk that can significantly affect its financial performance in the near future.
During 2022, CTP increased its installed photovoltaic (“PV”) capacity from 6MWp to 38MWp and established a dedicated energy function at the Group and country levels. The target for 2023 is to have at least an additional 100MWp installed.
EU Taxonomy assessment
CTP’s 2022 Annual Report presented the Company’s first EU Taxonomy alignment. EU Taxonomy, among other disclosures, led to the development of internal Company pro-cesses and policies for ESG data collection and management during 2022. Disclosure on EU Taxonomy and the introduction of its technical criteria into operations is another step to make CTP’s operations more sus-tainable. CTP’s sustainability ambitions are aligned with EU Taxonomy requirements.
To support the Company’s efforts to embed its parks into the communities where it operates, CTP has introduced the Clubhaus mixed-use development concept to select park locations. As part of its park strategy, CTP develops common spaces that serve the employees of tenants and local communities. CTP’s Clubhaus offers space for meetings, educational activities, social gatherings, medical services, a cafeteria, convenience store and canteen as well as outdoor facil-ities and can be used free of charge by the park community. The Clubhaus at CTPark Bucharest West, which opened in 2022, achieved BREEAM Outstanding certification.
Advanced renewable energy management system introduced in Amsterdam
In 2022 CTP introduced an advanced renewable energy production and manage-ment system at CTPark Amsterdam City, a multi-story and multi-tenant 120,000 sqm development in the Western Docklands dis-trict of Amsterdam. It is equipped with solar panels, wind turbines, EV charging points, and a dedicated energy management system.
ESG Strategy
Because ESG is such a broad term, to efficiently act in line with its principles, a systematic approach is required. CTP has developed a four-pillar approach to systemise those ESG topics that are material to the Company.
Striving to Be Climate Positive
Embedding Parks in Communities
Stimulating Social Impact & Well-being
Conducting Business with Integrity
Striving to Be Climate Positive
CTP’s ambition is to become climate positive covering all its activities, from corporate operations to development and asset management activities. This means that CTP, through the actions and decisions it takes, seeks to have a positive effect on the environment, which includes the climate.
Embedding Parks in Communities
CTP develops parks and builds them to own and operate. This means that CTP is in communities for the long term, not just during the construction of its parks. Good cooperation with municipalities and local communities ensures possibilities to grow for CTP and its tenants. CTP’s local presence is not solely the provision of space for workplace creation. The Company conducts multiple activities related to infrastructure development as well as community support.
Stimulating Social Impact & Well-being
CTP’s impact goes far beyond the parks and buildings that it creates. Both within the Company and in the communities where it operates, CTP is in constant contact with people and places a value on supporting their well-being. CTP actively helps people in the wider community in many different ways, including helping young people in their education, providing shelter and other types of assistance to Ukrainian refugees, and providing financial aid for palliative care.
Conducting Business with Integrity
It is part of CTP̛s ethos to be a long-term partner to its clients and other stakeholders. Treating clients and suppliers ethically is a key component that underpins a strong, trusting relationship.
Case studies
CTPark Bucharest West
Nine buildings certified Very Good (average score: 58%).
Two buildings certified Excellent (average score: 71%).
Certified Gross Lettable Area: 778,000 sqm (excl. Clubhaus).
Clubhaus achieved BREEAM Outstanding (New Construction) certification in late August 2022.
20% of energy used at the Clubhaus covered by rooftop solar system.
Clubhaus hosted 20 community events in its first 18 months.
ISO 50001 and ISO 14 001 certified.
CTPark Prague West (Building CHR2)
One building certified as Outstanding (score: 90.6%).
One building currently under certification, aiming for Outstanding.
Certified Gross Lettable Area: 5,626 sqm.
2nd-highest BREEAM score for an industrial building in CZ.
Integrated BMS monitors and controls water and heating gas systems and subsystems to prevent leakage and waste.
Equipped with waterless urinals, and toilets and washbasins all equipped with flow control systems to lower consumption.
CTPark Prague East Building NU3
BREEAM Certification: Outstanding (average score: 89.6%), certified Gross Lettable Area: 72,417 sqm.
Integrated BMS monitors and controls water and heating gas systems and subsystems to prevent leakage and waste.
Equipped with waterless urinals, and toilets and washbasins all equipped with flow control systems to lower consumption.
BMS monitors and measures consumption of the building for heating, cooling, DHW heating, interior lighting, ventilation, exterior lighting, decorative lighting and displays, small appliances pumps and fans.
All subleased premises have separate metering of energy consumption.

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