CTP Introducing Best Circular Practices in its Parks
The Institute of Circular Economics (INCIEN) helps CTP and its tenants to implement circular principles into their day-to-day operations.
As part of the project, CTP wants to make its industrial and office parks more sustainable. The Spielberk Office Center, located on the edge of the center of Brno, was chosen CTP as a pilot location for circular transformation.
“We want to use the changes in the Spielberk Offices as a template for other parks. Specifically, we will look for ways to be more circular, from involving zero waste elements to focusing on water and electricity consumption, etc. Spielberk Offices tenants are very much in favor of such changes,” says Stefan de Goeij, CTP’s Head of Property Management.
A circular office is a cheaper office
The circular office project from the INCIEN helps companies with the first step to a positive change. Introducing circular elements into their office space is an ideal start before introducing “circularity” into company plans and business models. In addition to environmental relief, changes also bring relief in operating costs.
“At CTP, as with other clients, we started by agreeing with a designated coordinator in the company and introducing the project to tenants and employees. And now a detailed analysis of waste, energy and water management is under way. It is not just about checking “papers”, this phase also includes a physical waste analysis or a questionnaire survey among employees,” sums up Lucie Pečínková, Project Manager of Circular Offices, Institute of Circular Economics.
Immediately after the analysis, INCIEN will present a set of concrete recommendations that will make the functioning of the whole area more efficient and in line with the principles of the circular economy. The institute will then help the company with their implementation and at the same time will be dedicated to training employees through workshops and information materials in the premises.
Director Stefan de Goeij hopes that the project will be able to encourage the cooperation of restaurants located in their premises. He would also like to motivate tenants to use existing Brno city initiatives such as bike sharing or car sharing. Reducing emissions from employee transport is also part of an environmentally friendly office.
Translated from the Czech original Průmyslové parky CTP se mohou brzy stát cirkulárními. Firma na tom pracuje spolu s INCIEN, 18.11.2019, URL: https://zajimej.se/prumyslove-parky-ctp-se-mohou-brzy-stat-cirkularnimi-firma-na-tom-pracuje-spolu-s-incien/
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