13. 12. 2018

CTP helping across CEE

CTP supports financial literacy in children from children's homes, and aid to both disadvantaged children and hospices for palliative care.

CTP has been, often quietly, and continuously supporting foundations and welfare organizations throughout CEE for 20 years. This year, CTP  became the general partner of the YourChance organization’s project „Start properly,“ which specializes in providing  financial literacy education for disadvantaged children in the Czech Republic. This is in addition to CTP’s continued  cooperation with the Tereza Maxova Foundation, with the non-governmental organization Smile as a Gift in Slovakia, and its support of palliative care in Romania.

One of CTP’s fundamental corporate values is the “Good Neighbour“ concept. As part of this, CTP promotes socially responsible behavior throughout the countries in which it operates, where it supports a wide range of community-based organizations mainly focused on children and adolescents.

CTP is one of the biggest and long-term sponsors of the Tereza Maxová Foundation who’s aim is to provide effective and specific assistance to abandoned and underprivileged children at both the national as well as regional level.

The company recently became a partner of Smile as a Gift (Úsmev ako dar), in Slovakia, helping children from children’s homes in their real-life struggles. The NGO provides support and coaching for families to accept these children and help socially weaker families with everyday worries.

In Romania, CTP provides financial aid to hospices for palliative care. Casa Sperantei hospice in Bucharest, Brasov and Fagaras offer free care to more than 4,000 patients a year.

CTP’s most recent project was to become the general partner of Start properly (Začni správně) who’s aim is to promote change in the field of financial literacy, entrepreneurship amongst primary and secondary school pupils. It also helps the integration of young adults leaving children’s homes or foster care.

“Projects such as Start Properly deserve more attention. They are redressing some imbalances by providing these kids with the tools they need to get a fair start. We hope we can contribute to improving causes like this, and in some small way, the future success of otherwise disadvantaged children and adolescents”, says  Head of Marketing CTP, Tim Addison.

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