Business Developer & Leasing Manager

For our Germans operation - for regions West (Düsseldorf region), North (Berlin region) and South (Munich region) – we are looking for Business Developers & Leasing Managers who will support to further grow the portfolio and maintain good relationships with all the existing clients.


CTP has acquired the portfolio of Deutsche Industrie REIT-AG which comes with 1.6mio sq. m of lettable area of light industrial properties throughout Germany, with approx. 850 different tenants and rental income approx. 60mio EUR. CTP already identified approx. 200 000sq m of building land within the portfolio, which will be developed to further expand the German business.

It is CTP´s ambition to grow the portfolio in Germany up to 3mio sq. m by end of 2026, through combination of further acquisitions and new construction.

CTP is currently establishing an efficient organization structure of ambitious and dynamic Parkmakers. The COO has been secured already, as well as various Regional Development Directors. Finding suitable candidates for the position above is a natural step for further business development and team growth.


The colleague we are looking for is a commercial talent, has outstanding communication skills, is a networker, knows how to get in touch with people and develop relationships with existing, as well as potential tenants, but also agents / real estate broker, likes to socialize, is open minded, smart and bright.

Job description / involvement in:

  • Finding tenants / securing business for our portfolio in the dedicated region, the properties we own and develop

Letting, means finding tenants directly or through working with different real estate companies or other organizations in order to reduce vacancy or initiate new developments. This includes cold calls, mails, meetings, presentations and negotiations.

  • Build and maintain a network of contacts

Working with real estate agents, consultants, state agencies representatives and clients.

  • Negotiations:

Terms negotiations with existing and prospect clients and coordination of internal sources in order to get the deals done.

  • After-sales, after-care:

Most of the new business we get from existing clients. Therefore, it is very important to be in touch with them, make sure they´re satisfied and they can grow the business and work with us on extensions or even bring their subcontractors, logistics service providers etc.

  • Coordination of meetings and viewings with clients and locally based project managers.
  • Business development, new opportunities

Identify suitable acquisition targets, whereby CTP is interested in acquisition of rental income producing facilities / sale & lease back transactions; as well as land sites for future development

  • Support and cooperation on Land Scouting
  • Active search for land which would be suitable for CTPs developments
  • Investigate all land details (ownership structure, zoning plan, etc.) and review due diligence to decide whether the land is suitable for CTPs developments
  • Contacting landowners and negotiations with landowners on terms and conditions of possible purchase


  • Other which helps to present, promote and grow CTP business in the region.


The Business Developer & Leasing Manager should have good understanding about what CTP stands for and offers, learn all about the projects / the existing portfolio, shall have up-to-date information about the characteristics of the region.

The Business Developer & Leasing Manager should have complete understanding of the market in terms of demand and opportunities, as well as in terms of projects and competitors in the region.


Reporting line:

The Employee reports to Regional Development Director.

In case of interest, please share your CV with us. We will get in touch with selected candidates only. Thank you for understanding.

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    Commercial Contact

    Ivan Pastier

    Park Address


    Opletalova 87, 841 07 Bratislava - Devínska Nová Ves Slovakia

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