CTP Group Companies


CTP Group Companies


Company Address
CTP Invest B.V. Apollolaan 151, 1077 AR Amsterdam
CTP Invest Bucharest S.R.L. Dragomiresti-Deal village,  Dragomiresti Vale commune, 1 Gabriela St., Building B, groundfloor, llfov county
CTP Invest d.o.o. Beograd – Novi Beograd Megarska 9, 11070 Beograd
CTP Invest EOOD 247 Botevgradsko Shose Blvd., Administrative Building, fl.7, Sofia
CTP Invest Germany GmbH Lietzenburger Str. 75, 10719 Berlin
CTP Invest Hong Kong Ltd Unit B, 17/F., United Centre, 95 Queensway, Admiralty, Hong Kong
CTP Invest Immobilien GmbH Mariahilfer Straße 17/4, 1060 Vienna
CTP Invest Ltd 4th Floor, 115 George Street, Edinburgh, United Kingdom, EH2 4JN
CTP Invest Poland sp. z.o.o. Rondo ONZ Street, number 1, 00-124 Warsaw
CTP Invest SK, spol. s r. o. Laurinská 18 811 01 Bratislava-Staré Mesto
CTP Invest, spol. s r.o. CTPark Humpolec 1571, 396 01 Humpolec
CTP Management Hungary Kft. 2051 Biatorbágy, Verebély László utca 2
CTP N.V. Apollolaan 151, 1077 AR Amsterdam


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