26. 03. 2020

Online supermarket Rohlík.cz Expands Footprint

Czech E-grocer Expands in Brno, Moves Closer to Customers at CTPark Brno Líšeň

Online grocer Rohlik.cz has expanded its footprint in Brno with the lease of a custom-built, 8,000 m2 facility at CTPark Brno Líšeň. The expansion comes as the company has outgrown its existing 4,000 m2 premises at CTPark Brno. The new facility will double the company’s current footprint and will include both warehousing and production areas. Move in is on schedule for September 2020.

Rohlik.cz has been operating in CTPark Brno for two and a half years. Due to the ever-increasing number of orders, the existing warehouse-production space ceased to be sufficient. For its further expansion, the company chose newly built premises at CTPark Brno Líšeň.

“We are already working successfully with CTP. When searching for new premises for our growth, CTP offered us space near our existing facility, which was crucial for us,” says Aleš Malucha, Chief Operating Officer of Rohlik.cz. The company, which specialises in food distribution, has more than doubled its Brno footprint over the last three years. “We are pleased to be able to grow together with our clients and that our clients can rely on us with helping them to expand,” says David Chládek, CTP’s Construction Director in the Czech Republic.


Speed ​​is a priority

The newly built hall will serve not only as a warehouse of dry, chilled and frozen food, but also as a pharmacy, bakery and production plant. Among other on-site activities, Rohlik.cz employees will bake pastries for customers.

The advantage of Rohlik.cz’s new premises, in addition to size, is the location. “The area offers the required accessibility to the city centre, which is the optimal prerequisite for the fast and timely delivery of purchases to our customers,” explains Aleš Malucha. The company’s new warehouse-production space will ensure service both within Brno and the wider surroundings. From Brno Rohlik.cz also serves areas in Olomouc, Prostějov and plans to expand distribution to other parts of Moravia.


Meeting the standard in logistics and ecology

The facility in Líšeň is built-to-suit for the client. “Rohlik.cz is an important client for CTP. Therefore, we strive to take into account as much as possible the specific needs of the ever-changing market and to meet all the client’s proposed innovations in operation,” says David Chládek on behalf of CTP. The premises meet the latest standards in logistics, as well as BREEAM certification. As both CTP and Rohlik.cz pay attention to the positive impact of their activities on the environment, the construction process and facility operation will be carried out with respect to the principles of sustainability.

Established on the site of a former industrial zone, CTPark Brno Líšeň is a sustainable brownfield development. Solar energy will be used within the park as a secondary source of electricity to cover the energy needs of individual tenants and the park itself. A system for the re-use of “grey waters” will also be implemented in the buildings.


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