16. 10. 2019

ABB Group navigates ships and repairs robots at CTPark Ostrava

One of the largest engineering and electrotechnical companies in the world, whose competitors include German Siemens, French Schneider Electric or American Honeywell, confirms that foreign colosses are no longer heading for the Czech Republic just for cheap labor.

ABB has a strong R&D presence in the country, relying primarily on highly qualified professionals. In Brno, the company develops high-voltage sensors or low-voltage switchboards, in Prague semiconductors, in Jablonec nad Nisou has production and development of molds for the production of metal and plastic parts for industrial companies.


Ostrava is also strongly represented. ABB is developing software for ship navigation at the Ostrava Ops Center, where 550 people or electrical engineers work. The operations center there does not only deal with business around maritime transport. It also deals with the modernization of the mining industry, which is particularly popular in Scandinavia, Canada or South America.


ABB placed its operations center in Ostrava mainly because there are enough qualified experts in the north of Moravia. For similar reasons, another branch of ABB settled in the Moravian-Silesian metropolis years ago: a global center for the repair and overhaul of industrial robots. Every year, about 300 machines, which used to work mainly in car factories, come back into operation. However, they were shut down there after five or ten years because their performance gradually declined.


“Continuous service of robots is expensive after so many years, so companies usually decide to offer their machines for sale,” says Vítězslav Lukáš, head of the robotics division at ABB in the Czech Republic. He adds that in Ostrava the company completely refurbishes the newish machines within five weeks and continues to resell for about 30 percent less. Typically for medium-sized industrial enterprises. “Often these are companies that decide to enter robotics by first buying a cheaper refurbished machine to test their work with,” says ABB’s robotics chief.


Translated from the original Czech article: Skupina ABB z Ostravy naviguje lodě a opravuje roboty. Ukazuje, že Česko umí nabídnout víc než montovny, Hospodářské noviny, 10.10.2019, author: Jan Úšela, https://archiv.ihned.cz/c1-66656800-skupina-abb-z-ostravy-naviguje-lode-a-opravuje-tu-roboty-je-ukazkou-toho-ze-cesko-muze-nabidnout-vic-nez-montovny

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