ЦТПарк Цхомутов се шири са чешком компанијом БОУКАЛ јер повољна локација привлачи све већи број закупаца
Praha, 7. November 2024 – CTP, Europe’s largest listed developer, owner, and manager of industrial and logistics properties by gross lettable area (GLA), has signed a lease with Czech company BOUKAL for almost 3,500 sqm of modern space at CTPark Chomutov in the Czech Republic, where it plans to create dozens of new jobs and strengthen the regional economy.
BOUKAL focuses on the wholesale and retail sale of machinery, tools, instruments and abrasives, both in brick-and-mortar stores and through its e-shop. BOUKAL’s new premises will consist of a logistics centre with warehouses, offices, a showroom and a shop including a drop-off point for e-commerce orders.
CTPark Chomutov, located on the strategic link between Prague, Ústí nad Labem and Chemnitz in Germany, is an ideal choice for companies that want to serve Western Bohemia and the adjacent German markets efficiently. BOUKAL chose this location not only for its excellent transport links, which enable fast logistics, but also for its visibility from the main road – a crucial factor for the showroom and e-commerce pick-up point that the company plans to build here. CTP’s speed, flexibility and willingness to adapt the premises to the company’s specific requirements also contributed to the choice of this location.
In the leased premises, BOUKAL will use modern warehouse facilities with a shelving system for smaller goods, the so-called pick tower, as well as luxuriously equipped offices with design elements such as glass partitions or false ceilings. The CHO2 building will also serve as a showroom for tools and larger machinery, which will be complemented by a dispensing point for e-commerce customers. In addition, BOUKAL, which has been on the market for more than 30 years, plans to create around 30 new jobs at the park.
CTPark Chomutov is not only a place where business develops, but also a centre for sustainability. The building meets stringent sustainability standards and is BREEAM certified at the Excellent level, underlining CTP’s commitment to green and sustainable construction. The park also provides further development opportunities, with 4,000 sqm of shell & core space available and space to build up to 11,500 sqm more.
ЦТП је највећи регистровани власник, програмер и менаџер логистичких и индустријских некретнина по бруто закупној површини у Европи, који поседује 12,4 милиона квадратних метара ГЛА у 10 земаља на дан 30. јуна 2024. ЦТП сертификује све нове зграде на БРЕЕАМ Веома добро или боље и зарађено ЕСГ рејтинг са занемарљивим ризиком од стране Сустаиналитицс, наглашавајући њену посвећеност одрживом пословању.
Више информација можете пронаћи на веб страници ЦТП-а: ввв.цтп.еу
Јакуб Јанку, специјалиста за маркетинг, ЦТП Чешка Република
Мобилни: +420 602 154 282
Емаил: јакуб.јанку@цтп.еу
Павлина Криванцова, представница за медије (АМИ Цоммуницатионс)
Мобилни: +420 776 100 009
Емаил: павлина.криванцова@амиц.цз
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