From China to Serbia: Full-speed nearshoring

Lianbo Precision Technology is a global leader in the production of metal parts for automotive engines, with major clients including renowned companies such as Volkswagen, Audi, Bosch, Brose, and Nidec. In 2023, the company expanded to Europe, strategically selecting Novi Sad, Serbia, as its destination and CTP as its real estate partner.

Врста простора Производња
Укупна површина 14,000 sqm
Посебне потребе Fast delivery

Serbia as solution

Serbia and China have strong investment relations, making an productive destination for Chinese investors looking to enter the European market. According to the Serbian Development Agency, China was the largest foreign investor in the country in 2022. CTP supports other Chinese companies in Serbia, such as YengFeng and Shanghai Huizhong Automotive Manufacturing Co..

CTP’s clients in Serbia enjoy the ease of business, skilled workforce, and competitive operational costs, while Novi Sad, Serbia’s second largest city, provided them a strategic location about 100km north of Belgrade and 90km to the to the Schengen Zone via the Hungarian border.

11-month project journey

Lianbo had a tight deadline to start operations, and our team was able to provide them with a record-fast delivery. Thanks to our ready-to-develop prime landbank and committed in-house team that helped take care of the whole journey, from design to construction and permitting to fit-out, they signed the lease agreement in March 2023, and in February 2024, they kicked off operations in their brand-new, built-to-suit 14,000 sqm facility.

To understand their unique needs, our team even travelled to China to better understand their exact needs and how to adapt them in this new landscape.

Currently, the plant is producing key components for Volkswagen engines, making an important contribution to the region’s active automotive industry and creating 500 new jobs in the Novi Sad area.

Long-term growth possibilities

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