
德国Aachen (DE)Altlandsberg (DE)Bremen (DE)Dinslaken South (DE)Dortmund West (DE)Drei Gleichen (DE)Eichstätt (DE)Hanau (DE)Krefeld (DE)Linthe (DE)Mönchweiler (DE)Mülheim (DE)Oschersleben (DE)Osterwieck (DE)Rastatt (DE)Rostock (DE)Schleiz (DE)Schwerin (DE)Stuttgart (DE)Weiden (DE)Westhausen (DE)Wildau (DE)Wittingen (DE)Wolfratshausen (DE)Wuppertal (DE)Zella-Mehlis (DE)捷克共和国(CZ)Benátky nad Jizerou (CZ)Blatnice (CZ)Blučina (CZ)Bor (CZ)Brno (CZ)Brno Líšeň (CZ)Brno Retail Park (CZ)Brno South (CZ)Cerhovice (CZ)Česká Lípa (CZ)České Velenice (CZ)Cheb (CZ)Chomutov (CZ)Divišov (CZ)Hlubočky (CZ)Holubice (CZ)Hradec Králové (CZ)Hranice (CZ)Hrušky (CZ)Humpolec (CZ)Humpolec II (CZ)IQ Ostrava (CZ)Jihlava (CZ)Kadaň (CZ)Karviná (CZ)Kolín (CZ)Kralupy nad Vltavou (CZ)Kutná hora (CZ)Kvasiny (CZ)Liberec (CZ)Lipník nad Bečvou (CZ)Louny (CZ)Lysá nad Labem (CZ)Mladá Boleslav (CZ)Mladá Boleslav II (CZ)Modřice (CZ)Most (CZ)Nošovice (CZ)Nový Jičín (CZ)Okříšky (CZ)Ostrava (CZ)Ostrava Hrušov (CZ)Ostrava II (CZ)Ostrava Kunčičky (CZ)Ostrava Poruba (CZ)Pardubice II (CZ)Planá nad Lužnicí (CZ)Plzeň (CZ)Podbořany (CZ)Pohořelice (CZ)Ponāvka (CZ)Prague Airport (CZ)Prague East (CZ)Prague North (CZ)Prague West (CZ)Přeštice (CZ)Spielberk (CZ)Stříbro (CZ)Teplice (CZ)Teplice II (CZ)Teplice III (CZ)Tošanovice (CZ)Týniště (CZ)Ústí nad Labem (CZ)Vlněna (CZ)Zákupy (CZ)Žatec (CZ)Žatec II (CZ)波兰Bydgoszcz (PL)Częstochowa (PL)Gdańsk Port (PL)Gorzyce (PL)Iłowa (PL)Katowice (PL)Legnica (PL)Opole (PL)Rzeszów (PL)Sulechów (PL)Toruń (PL)Warsaw East (PL)Warsaw Emilianów (PL)Warsaw Janki (PL)Warsaw North (PL)Warsaw Nowy Konik (PL)Warsaw South (PL)Warsaw West (PL)Wrocław (PL)Zabrze (PL)Łódź Airport (PL)奥地利Baden (AT)Kittsee (AT)Sollenau (AT)St. Pölten North (AT)Vienna East (AT)Vienna North (AT)Vienna South (AT)斯洛伐克Banská Bystrica (SK)Bratislava (SK)Hlohovec (SK)Košice (SK)Krásno nad Kysucou (SK)Námestovo (SK)Nitra (SK)Nové Mesto nad Váhom (SK)Prešov North (SK)Prešov South (SK)Trnava (SK)Voderady (SK)Žilina (SK)Žilina Airport (SK)匈牙利Arrabona (HU)Arrabona - old (HU)Budapest East (HU)Budapest Ecser (HU)Budapest North (HU)Budapest Office Campus (HU)Budapest South (HU)Budapest Szigetszentmiklós (HU)Budapest Vecsés (HU)Budapest West (HU)Kecskemét (HU)Komárom (HU)Mór (HU)Mosonmagyaróvár (HU)Székesfehérvár (HU)Szombathely (HU)Szombathely East (HU)Tatabánya (HU)荷兰Amsterdam City (NL)Rotterdam (NL)塞尔维亚Belgrade City (RS)Belgrade North (RS)Belgrade West (RS)Jagodina (RS)Kragujevac (RS)Lviv (RS)Niš (RS)Novi Sad (RS)Novi Sad City (RS)Novi Sad East (RS)Sombor (RS)罗马尼亚Arad (RO)Arad City (RO)Arad II (RO)Arad North (RO)Arad West (RO)Brasov (RO)Brasov West (RO)Bucharest (RO)Bucharest Chitila (RO)Bucharest North (RO)Bucharest South (RO)Bucharest West (RO)Caransebes (RO)Cluj (RO)Craiova East (RO)Deva (RO)Deva II (RO)Ineu (RO)Mogosoaia (RO)Oradea Cargo Terminal (RO)Oradea City (RO)Oradea North (RO)Pitești (RO)Pitești East (RO)Pitesti Oarja (RO)Ploiesti (RO)Salonta (RO)Satu Mare (RO)Sibiu (RO)Sibiu East (RO)Targu Mures (RO)Timișoara (RO)Timisoara City (RO)Timișoara Ghiroda (RO)Timisoara North (RO)Timisoara South (RO)Timisoara West (RO)Turda (RO)保加利亚Plovdiv North (BG)Sofia (BG)Sofia Airport (BG)Sofia East (BG)Sofia West (BG)


This prestigious property in Weiden in der Oberpfalz brings together a modern new build with a beautifully restored historic structure on a vast 81,000 m² plot, offering 44,449 m² of rentable space. The exceptional blend of contemporary architecture and heritage creates a unique visual appeal and an inspiring work environment. The property accommodates a diverse tenant base of renowned companies from various industries, making it an attractive and future-proof location. With easy access to highways (A93 and A6), flexible facilities, and high-quality amenities, it’s a perfect location for businesses seeking a mix of heritage and contemporary design, supported by a diverse tenant base and development potential.

  • 0 m²


  • 0 m²


  • 8.10 哈


  • 0 m²



Sandy Benz



Modern design and historic charm on an expansive plot

This prestigious property in Weiden in der Oberpfalz brings together a modern new build with a beautifully restored historic structure on a vast 81,000 m² plot, offering 44,449 m² of rentable space. The exceptional blend of contemporary architecture and heritage creates a unique visual appeal and an inspiring work environment. The property accommodates a diverse tenant base of renowned companies from various industries, making it an attractive and future-proof location. With easy access to highways (A93 and A6), flexible facilities, and high-quality amenities, it’s a perfect location for businesses seeking a mix of heritage and contemporary design, supported by a diverse tenant base and development potential.



Weiden in der Oberpfalz—A thriving economic hub for SMEs

Weiden in der Oberpfalz, near the Czech border in eastern Bavaria, has evolved into a key economic center within the Nuremberg Metropolitan Region. Its proximity to the Czech Republic, combined with strong infrastructure—direct links to major highways and rail networks—facilitates access to German and Eastern European markets, making it ideal for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and logistics firms. The city supports a blend of traditional and modern industries, including engineering, glass manufacturing, and IT services, enhanced by partnerships with OTH Amberg-Weiden, which foster innovation and provide a skilled workforce. Weiden’s business-friendly environment includes financial support programs, affordable commercial properties, and a high quality of life marked by affordable housing, cultural attractions, and nearby natural areas. Cross-border collaboration and EU funding opportunities further support growth, positioning Weiden as an attractive location for companies seeking expansion and a stable workforce.

1,5 km, 5 min1,5 km, 5 min
1,2 km, 5 min1,2 km, 5 min
1 km, 3min1 km, 3min
(A93) 7 km; 10 min,  (A6) 9 km; 15 min (A93) 7 km; 10 min, (A6) 9 km; 15 min


Modern design and historic charm on an expansive plot

  • 已建和可用
  • 计划
  • 已建已用






Sandy Benz

Business Development & Leasing Manager, Germany



43.6 公里

CTPark Bor

CTPark Bor 是中东欧最成功的商业园区之一,地理位置优越,位于波希米亚西部,距离比尔森市中心 50 公里,拥有良好的高速公路连接,距离德国边境仅 15 公里。这些航线和重要的贸易路径不仅经过德国,甚至更远到达意大利。对于汽车供应链中的制造商以及服务于捷克和/或德国市场的电子商务物流提供商来说,这是一个理想的地点。 CTPark Bor 拥有超过 15 个租户,雇佣员工超过 5,000 人,随着园区进一步扩建,这一数字还将继续上升。作为西波希米亚的一部分,比尔森地区的人均 GDP 在全国排名第五。它是捷克共和国第三大地区,人口第九大地区,占全国总人口的5.4%。机械工程、食品加工、能源生产和分配以及冶金是该地区最重要的工业部门。该地区大量高技能劳动力来自该地区,特别感谢位于比尔森的西波希米亚大学,该大学每年为 13,000 名学生提供主要在机械和电气工程领域的各种深入学习机会。博尔(Bor)中心距离酒店有5公里,那里拥有许多餐馆和商店。

47.8 公里

CTPark Cheb

该园区位于捷克共和国西北部切布工业中心的郊区,地理位置优越,是客户利用当地较低的工资水平和丰富的工业知识为距离德国边境仅 10 分钟路程的客户提供服务的理想选择。切布 CTPark 提供近 50,000 平方米的优质 CTFit 和 CTSpace 设施,高速公路直通德国、布拉格和比尔森。

56.1 公里

CTPark Aš

CTP 最西端的 CTPark 位于阿什,这座城市距离德国边境仅 3 公里,交通便利,可轻松前往 A93/A9/A4/A72 高速公路。该公园由四栋现有建筑和三栋沿途的定制建筑组成,面积最低为 3,500 平方米。它靠近奥迪、宝马、大众和西门子等公司。距离 40 万人口仅 30 分钟路程。

59.1 公里

CTPark Stříbro

历史上,采矿业和采石业曾使圣日勃罗崭露头角,城市也因此而得名。该地区一直得益于其在普拉哈-诺林伯克(德国)贸易路线上的有利位置,以及靠近比尔森(向东 30 公里)的地理位置。从两个方向都可以通过 D5 高速公路方便地到达该市。 截至 2016 年,圣日布罗一直致力于进一步发展城市的交通、文化生活、教育和就业。根据居民的需求,制定了战略目标,并计划在未来几年内实现。由于需要更多的就业机会,服务业的新职位至关重要。此外,作为 Plzeň 地区的一部分,该地区对年轻专业人士和来自 Plzeň Západočeská univerzita 等大学的学生极具吸引力。因此,扩建基础设施是过去和未来的首要任务。


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箭头 CTP NV €16.34 CTP 图标 寻找房产圆箭头 CTP AR 已发布


Ivan Pastier



Opletalova 87, 841 07 Bratislava - Devínska Nová Ves Slovakia

