14. 11. 2024

CTP baut sechsten Logistikpark in Warschau mit 76.300 m² CTPark Warsaw Nowy Konik

CTP, Europe’s largest listed developer, owner, and manager of industrial and logistics properties by gross lettable area has announced its sixth manufacturing and logistics investment in the Warsaw region, CTPark Warsaw Nowy Konik. This new industrial and logistics park will include four warehouses with a total area of over 76,300 sqm, and construction is scheduled to start in the first quarter of 2025.

Piotr Flugel, Geschäftsführer von CTP Poland, erklärt:

“The stable demand in the Warsaw warehouse market and the still high capacity to absorb new space are an incentive for us to make further investments in the region. We will build CTPark Warsaw Nowy Konik on a plot of approximately 13 hectares, providing access to the main transport routes in Europe. It is a location for companies that want to improve their distribution network and reach key consumer markets in CEE.”

Early next year, CTP will start construction of the first building of the CTPark Warsaw Nowy Konik complex. With an area of over 10,600 sqm, warehouse WNKO01 will be delivered in a new format – CTBox. This means that under one roof there will be areas with showrooms, office and warehouse space designed for last mile logistics, R&D, light manufacturing or high-tech industry. The building will include separate modules of approximately 500 sqm each. CTP plans to put the first phase into operation as early as Q3 2025.

Patrycja Makowska, Business Developer bei CTP Poland, erklärt:

“We will develop the remaining warehouses in stages. In addition to WNKO01, we intend to build three more facilities with areas of 26,900 sqm, 21,000 sqm and 17,800 sqm respectively. They will be diversified in terms of formats – as well as CTBox which offers smaller modules, there will also be CTFlex (slightly larger modules), and large spaces - each with turnkey solutions. As well as flexibility of space, another important issue facing occupiers is the availability of large power connections for future tenants. At CTPark Warsaw Nowy Konik we will address this by reaching as much as 5MW in the initial phase alone. This will allow us to cover the needs of both the production facilities and the technological infrastructure of our customers.”

CTPark Warsaw Nowy Konik, due to its location only 22 km from Warsaw, will also ensure better utilisation of tenants’ resources: streamlining business operations, especially in the omnichannel model, and reducing transport costs and emissions.

The plot on which the development will be built was purchased by CTP in the second quarter of 2024 as part of a wider acquisition of half a million sqm of land.




CTP is Europe’s largest listed owner, developer and manager of logistics and industrial real estate in terms of gross leasable area, with 12.6 million sqm GLA in 10 countries (as of 30 September 2024). The company certifies all new buildings to BREEAM at a level of ‘very good’ or above and has achieved a negligible-risk ESG rating from Sustainalytics, reaffirming its commitment to sustainability. For more information, please visit:


Karin Mizak
Leiterin Marketing
E: karin.mizak@ctp.eu
M: +48 532 566 712


Monika Sadowska
Leitender Berater
E: monika.sadowska@linkleaders.pl
M: +48 502 243 620



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