17. 01. 2025

CTP posilňuje svoju prítomnosť v Srbsku významným nákupom pozemkov v Kragujevaci

Amsterdam, 17 January 2024 – CTP, Europe’s largest listed developer, owner, and manager of industrial and logistics properties by gross lettable area (GLA), has strengthened its presence in Serbia with the acquisition of a significant parcel of land which will provide 50,000 sqm of lettable space in Kragujevac.

The acquisition is part of CTP’s strategic plan to expand its offering and attract more investors to this emerging industrial hub. The land acquired sits inside the region’s existing Free Trade Zone, a well-established automotive industrial zone, and the site will be developed to add another 50,000 sqm of lettable space to CTP’s existing facility in Kragujevac, continuing the company’s growth in Serbia.

CTP has already established itself as a key player in Serbia with a track record of developing Grade A industrial facilities including the delivery of three production facilities totalling 90,000 sqm for Chinese automotive supplier Yanfeng. In Serbia, CTP already has a standing portfolio of 600,000 sqm with an additional 200,000 sqm to be delivered in 2025.

Kragujevac is Serbia’s fourth largest city with a strong legacy of automotive and defence industries. Its appeal lies in its competitive advantages, including an affordable and skilled labour force, a strategic location in the heart of the Balkans, and close proximity to several major OEMs and suppliers.

Petar Kolognat, Business Development Director at CTP Serbia says:

“CTP’s commitment to Kragujevac underscores the city’s growing reputation as a prime destination for industrial and logistics investments. This expansion will further bolster the local economy, providing new employment opportunities and enhancing Kragujevac’s connectivity to key markets, as well as creating a dynamic ecosystem for businesses seeking modern facilities and strategic advantages in Southeast Europe.”

O spoločnosti CTP
CTP je najväčším kótovaným vlastníkom, developerom a správcom logistických a priemyselných nehnuteľností v Európe podľa hrubej prenajímateľnej plochy, pričom k 30. septembru 2024 vlastní 12,6 milióna m2 GLA v 10 krajinách. CTP certifikuje všetky nové budovy podľa BREEAM Veľmi dobré alebo lepšie a zarobené hodnotenie ESG so zanedbateľným rizikom od Sustainalytics, čo podčiarkuje jej záväzok byť udržateľným podnikaním. Pre viac informácií navštívte firemnú webovú stránku CTP: www.ctp.eu

Patryk Statkiewicz, vedúci oddelenia marketingu a PR skupiny
Mobilný telefón: +31 (0) 629 596 119
E-mail: patryk.statkiewicz@ctp.eu

SEC Newgate
James Carnegie
Mobilný telefón: +44 (0)7827 486 224
E-mail: CTP@SECNewgate.co.uk

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Ivan Pastier

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Opletalova 87, 841 07 Bratislava - Devínska Nová Ves Slovensko

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