17. 09. 2024

A CTP megkezdi a pilseni Zátiší laktanya barnamezős átalakítását dinamikus üzleti központtá

Plzeň, 17 September 2024 – A CTP, Európa legnagyobb tőzsdén jegyzett fejlesztője, tulajdonosa és menedzsere ipari és logisztikai ingatlanok bruttó bérbeadható területe (GLA) szerint, has started construction of the Barracks Zátiší project in Plzeň. The nearly 65,000 sqm site, which has a rich industrial history and has been in disrepair for decades, will undergo a complete revitalisation through the construction of six modern buildings to provide facilities for entrepreneurs and companies. The project will also introduce the new CTWorkshop concept – flexible spaces especially for small entrepreneurs who value cross-industry collaboration and local business development.

CTP has many years of experience in the revitalization of brownfield sites and plans to transform the Pilsen area with its rich history into a modern part of the city. On an area of almost 65,000 sqm the developer plans to develop almost 32,000 sqm of GLA across six buildings. The rear part of the site will be focused on production, while the front part will have a character representing the combination of tradition and modern technology.

Jakub Kodr, a CTP csehországi ügyvezető igazgatója és kereskedelmi igazgatója elmondta:

“In the Barracks Zátiší project we are building something exceptional - a place where history and the future intertwine. This extraordinary park will offer facilities for large multinational companies as well as for smaller companies and local entrepreneurs who will be able to benefit from mutual cooperation. The unique design will also create an ideal environment for research and development.”

As part of the project, CTP will build a unique CTWorkshop concept, which represents a new type of multi-storey building designed specifically for smaller entrepreneurs and tradesmen. Inspired by international models from the Netherlands and Germany, this innovative project offers flexible spaces suitable for workshops, development centres or small production facilities. It is a pilot project in CTP’s portfolio, which aims to respond to current market demand and create an environment that promotes collaboration between entrepreneurs and different industries.

Václav Hlaváček of Studio acht, explained:

“We were inspired by foreign projects to create a place that is not only industrial, but also beautiful, welcoming and sustainable. Our aim was to combine aesthetics with function, so that the site would serve both business and a pleasant working and community life. The practical usability of the entire site remains our main goal.”

The revitalisation will be carried out in several phases, with the first phase expected to be completed by mid-2025. Demolition works and site clearance have already been carried out. The developer plans to use recycled materials from the original buildings and the project will incorporate modern sustainable technologies such as green roofs, rainwater harvesting systems and photovoltaic panels that improve the sustainability of the site’s operations.

The entire project is being carried out in close cooperation with the city and key Pilsen authorities. The developer will fulfil its commitments to the area by building a cycle path, an alley and reconstructing a part of Ke Karlovu Street, which should be connected to a new road built by the city in the future.

Rudolf Špoták, the Governor of the Plzeň Region, on the start of construction, said:

“Although the redevelopment of brownfields is not easy, I am pleased that we are encountering it more and more often and that again, as was the case with Tech Tower Plzeň, this project will create space and facilities for the operation of young, modern and innovative companies that will bring to our region production with much sought-after added value.”

A Barracks Zátiší were built in the 1930s as part of a large-scale programme of construction of military facilities in young Czechoslovakia. They were located in a strategic position near the airfield in Borské Poly and were used by the German army during World War II for troop accommodation and technical support for air operations. After the war they served the Czechoslovak army, but with the onset of the Cold War their importance gradually declined. After 1989, the barracks were abandoned and fell into disrepair for decades until the developer CTP took an interest in the site and agreed on terms of revitalisation with the city of Pilsen.

The entire CTPark Plzeň is strategically located near the centre of Plzeň with easy access to the E50/D5 motorway to Germany/Prague. A number of major international companies with various types of business operations operate here. The park is ideal for companies wishing to locate research and development centres in the region.




A CTP Európa legnagyobb tőzsdén jegyzett tulajdonosa, fejlesztője és menedzsere a logisztikai és ipari ingatlanok bruttó bérbeadható területe szerint, 12,4 millió négyzetméter GLA tulajdonosa 10 országban 2024. június 30-án. A CTP minden új épületet a BREEAM minősítéssel rendelkezik: Nagyon jó vagy jobb, és keresett. a Sustainalytics elhanyagolható kockázatú ESG-besorolása, amely aláhúzza elkötelezettségét a fenntartható üzletág mellett.

További információ a CTP honlapján található: www.ctp.eu


Jakub Janků, marketing specialista, CTP Csehország
Mobil: +420 602 154 282
E-mail: jakub.janku@ctp.eu

Pavlína Křivancová, a média képviselője (AMI Communications)
Mobil: +420 776 100 009
E-mail: pavlina.krivancova@amic.cz



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