Raben & CTP: a pan-European partnership

Today, the Dutch logistics company is active across 14 locations in six countries with CTP.

In this video, we zoom into some of the reasons why Raben has succeeded at one of these locations, CTPark Bucharest where they have 4,600 sqm, with Flavius Creț, Raben’s Regional Branch Manager, and his 140 employees and contractors serving over 1,000 clients.

“At Raben, we believe that the logistics park where we operate is not just a workspace. It’s a dynamic ecosystem.”

Some of the ways we support this, as he mentions, include:
– Smooth and rapid operations
– Amenities to support their team
– Smart, clean energy solutions

Raben is present in 16 countries, with Switzerland being its latest addition. In Romania, it has 12 locations and over 200 employees, serving a network of 3,000 clients nationwide. Its motto, hashtag#PeoplewithDrive, defines Raben and is a core component of its identity.

Other locations Raben is active with us currently are: Czechia, Poland, Slovakia, Austria and Hungary. We are ready to facilitate their next growth step, whenever and wherever!

Typ priestoru Sklad
Celková plocha 4,600 sqm
Blízkosť kľúčových trhov
Strategická investícia
Dlhodobá vízia
Kvalitná infraštruktúra
Spoločné partnerstvá

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