
捷克共和国 (CZ) Blatnice (CZ) Blučina (CZ) Bor (CZ) Brno (CZ) Brno Líšeň (CZ) Brno South (CZ) Cerhovice (CZ) Česká Lípa (CZ) České Velenice (CZ) Cheb (CZ) Chomutov (CZ) Divišov (CZ) Hlubočky (CZ) Holubice (CZ) Hradec Králové (CZ) Hranice (CZ) Humpolec (CZ) Humpolec II (CZ) IQ Ostrava (CZ) Jihlava (CZ) Kadaň (CZ) Karviná (CZ) Kvasiny (CZ) Liberec (CZ) Lipník nad Bečvou (CZ) Louny (CZ) Lysá nad Labem (CZ) Mladá Boleslav (CZ) Mladá Boleslav II (CZ) Modřice (CZ) Most (CZ) Nošovice (CZ) Nový Jičín (CZ) Okříšky (CZ) Ostrava (CZ) Ostrava Hrušov (CZ) Ostrava Poruba (CZ) Pardubice II (CZ) Planá nad Lužnicí (CZ) Plzeň (CZ) Pohořelice (CZ) Ponāvka (CZ) Prague Airport (CZ) Prague East (CZ) Prague North (CZ) Prague West (CZ) Přeštice (CZ) Spielberk (CZ) Stříbro (CZ) Teplice (CZ) Teplice II (CZ) Tošanovice (CZ) Ústí nad Labem (CZ) Vlněna (CZ) Zákupy (CZ) Žatec (CZ) Žatec II (CZ) 波兰 Bydgoszcz (PL) Częstochowa (PL) Gdańsk Port (PL) Gorzyce (PL) Iłowa (PL) Katowice (PL) Opole (PL) Rzeszów (PL) Sulechów (PL) Warsaw East (PL) Warsaw Emilianów (PL) Warsaw North (PL) Warsaw South (PL) Warsaw West (PL) Zabrze (PL) Łódź Airport (PL) 斯洛伐克 Banská Bystrica (SK) Bratislava (SK) Hlohovec (SK) Košice (SK) Krásno nad Kysucou (SK) Námestovo (SK) Nitra (SK) Nové Mesto nad Váhom (SK) Prešov North (SK) Prešov South (SK) Trnava (SK) Voderady (SK) Žilina (SK) Žilina Airport (SK) 奥地利 Baden (AT) Kittsee (AT) Sollenau (AT) St. Pölten North (AT) Vienna East (AT) 匈牙利 Arrabona (HU) Budapest East (HU) Budapest Ecser (HU) Budapest North (HU) Budapest Office Campus (HU) Budapest South (HU) Budapest Szigetszentmiklós (HU) Budapest Vecsés (HU) Budapest West (HU) Kecskemét (HU) Komárom (HU) Mosonmagyaróvár (HU) Székesfehérvár (HU) Szombathely (HU) Tatabánya (HU) 罗马尼亚 Arad (RO) Arad North (RO) Arad West (RO) Brasov (RO) Brasov West (RO) Bucharest (RO) Bucharest Chitila (RO) Bucharest North (RO) Bucharest South (RO) Bucharest West (RO) Caransebes (RO) Cluj (RO) Craiova East (RO) Deva (RO) Deva II (RO) Ineu (RO) Mogosoaia (RO) Oradea Cargo Terminal (RO) Oradea North (RO) Pitești (RO) Pitești East (RO) Salonta (RO) Sibiu (RO) Sibiu East (RO) Targu Mures (RO) Timisoara City (RO) Timișoara Ghiroda (RO) Timisoara South (RO) Timisoara West (RO) Turda (RO) 塞尔维亚 Belgrade City (RS) Belgrade North (RS) Belgrade West (RS) Jagodina (RS) Kragujevac (RS) Niš (RS) Novi Sad (RS) Novi Sad City (RS) Novi Sad East (RS) Sombor (RS) 德国 Bremen (DE) Drei Gleichen (DE) Linthe (DE) Magdeburg West (DE) Rastatt (DE) Schleiz (DE) Wittingen (DE) Zella-Mehlis (DE) 保加利亚 Plovdiv North (BG) Sofia (BG) Sofia Airport (BG) Sofia East (BG) Sofia West (BG) 荷兰 Amsterdam City (NL) Rotterdam (NL)


CTPark Habr 前身为 CTZone,是继成功的 CTPark Ostrava 工业区项目之后的新兴商业园区。该园区将旧建筑的改造与现代工业用途和 ESG 标准相结合。


  • CTBox and CTFlex Buildings: We offer units from 350 m² up to 6,000 m², which are ideal for various types of business including light manufacturing, laboratories, showrooms, service, shops and small warehouses.
  • ESG and Sustainability: Emphasis on architectural attractiveness, the strictest ESG elements and planting a large amount of greenery. A special feature is the wooden trusses under the roof, which offer an attractive working environment. All buildings will be BREEAM certified and equipped with PV.
  • ISO Certification: The project complies with ISO 14001 and ISO 50001, which guarantees sustainable construction and property management.
  • 6,838 m²


  • 13,040 m²


  • 5 哈


  • 6,838 m²


Vojtěch Peřka

Vojtěch Peřka




It is located near the D1 highway, which connects Ostrava with Prague and other important cities in the Czech Republic. Proximity to the Polish border also facilitates trade with Poland.

Good transport accessibility: In addition to the motorway, Ostrava-Hrabová is also easily accessible by rail and air transport thanks to the proximity of Ostrava's Leoš Janáček Airport.

Available workforce: Ostrava is the third largest city in the Czech Republic and offers a broad base of skilled workforce, including technical and industrial fields thanks to a high concentration of technical schools and universities.

Developed infrastructure: The area has a well-developed infrastructure for industrial and commercial use, including modern industrial zones and logistics parks.

Support from local authorities: Ostrava and the Moravian-Silesian Region offer various forms of support for new investors, including tax breaks, grants and other incentives.

Quality of life: Ostrava offers quality living conditions, affordable housing, good health care, cultural and sports activities. Technology and innovation center: Ostrava is increasingly profiled as a center of innovation and technology, which attracts companies focused on high-tech and research and development.



Perfect Accessibility and Strategic Location

CTPark Habr is located in the southern part of Ostrava with a direct connection to the highway, which ensures easy access to the main city areas and abroad. The location is easily accessible by public transport and is located close to cycle paths, which makes it easy for employees to access.

500 米500 米
1 公里1 公里
10 公里10 公里


地理位置优越,距市中心 10 公里

  • 已建和可用
  • 计划
  • 已建已用



建筑 可用空间 现状 类型
OKR1 4,748 平方米 建成 CTFlex 查看详情
OKR3 2,090 平方米 建成 CTBox 查看详情
目标2 5,924 平方米 计划 CTFlex 查看详情
OKR4 2,372 平方米 计划 CTBox 查看详情
OKR5 2,372 平方米 计划 CTBox 查看详情
6. OKR6 2,372 平方米 计划 CTBox 查看详情



Vojtěch Peřka

Senior Business Developer, Central & North Moravian Region

Vojtěch Peřka


1.5 公里

CTPark Ostrava

奥斯特拉发是捷克共和国第三大城市,也是摩拉维亚-西里西亚地区的中心。奥斯特拉发的经济在历史上以煤矿开采和重工业(钢铁、机械工程)为基础。奥斯特拉发的经济在历史上曾以煤矿开采和重工业(钢铁、机械工程)为基础。最后一次煤矿开采是在 1999 年,近年来,奥斯特拉发地区已成为汽车工业、IT 行业和工程行业的主要中心。 俄斯特拉发 CTPark 距俄斯特拉发市中心仅 10 公里,通过高速公路可直达布拉格、布尔诺、波兰、斯洛伐克和奥地利。园区位于基础设施发达、教育基础先进的地区大都市,为投资者提供了稳定的劳动力供应和未来发展的必要保障。园区提供全系列的 CTP 建筑类型,适用于制造、物流、研发和后台运营。最大的大学是奥斯特拉发技术大学,主要提供技术教育。

8.8 公里

CTPark Ostrava Poruba

奥斯特拉发-波鲁巴 CTPark 位于城市西郊,毗邻 D1 高速公路,与布拉格、布尔诺、波兰、斯洛伐克和奥地利相连。得益于该地区大都市发达的基础设施和先进的教育基础,它为投资者提供了必要的安全保障。 a 稳定的劳动力供应和未来 扩展选项.公园 是理想的 用于制造、物流和研发业务。 俄斯特拉发是捷克共和国第三大城市,也是摩拉维亚-西里西亚地区的中心。该市人口超过 30 万,整个地区人口约 120 万。波鲁巴城区有 65000 名居民。 奥斯特拉发的经济在历史上曾以煤矿开采和重工业(钢铁、机械工程)为基础。但是 近年来,俄斯特拉发地区已成为汽车业、IT 业和工程业等领域的重要中心。 是北上波兰和波罗的海货物的转运站。 自 1990 年以来,摩拉维亚-西里西亚大区的经济基础经历了大规模的结构调整,数以万计的工人被解雇。失业率仍然是捷克共和国最高的地区之一。奥斯特拉发和整个地区提供广泛的中等和高等教育。最大的大学是奥斯特拉发技术大学,主要提供技术教育。

9.8 公里

CTPark Ostrava Hrušov

CTPark Ostrava Hrušov 为生产和仓储活动提供了广泛的可能性。园区位于俄斯特拉发北部公园,与公共交通和高速公路相连。附近居民区的员工也可方便地前往园区。园区为客户在此开展业务提供了所有必要的基础设施。

17.1 公里

CTPark Nošovice

诺索维采 CTPark 紧邻现代汽车制造厂和主要连接公路,距俄斯特拉发仅 30 公里。园区位于连接俄斯特拉发与斯洛伐克和波兰边境的大动脉上。它是汽车供应链企业的理想选择。


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箭头 CTP NV €16.52 CTP 图标 寻找房产圆箭头 CTP AR 已发布


Ivan Pastier



Opletalova 87, 841 07 Bratislava - Devínska Nová Ves Slovakia

