The Mazovia Region, also known as the Mazovia Voivodeship, has garnered strong momentum since becoming an open market. Today, Warsaw – the Polish capital – is one of the fastest-growing cities economically in all of Europe, sitting alongside Dublin, Amsterdam, and Prague. As a leading hub in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE), Warsaw boasts a diverse and competitive workforce, a business-friendly environment, and a strong emphasis on innovation, making it an attractive destination for international companies.
波蘭經濟是歐盟內最永續的經濟之一,中期前景樂觀。波蘭是歐盟唯一在2008年至2010年間避免經濟衰退的國家,多年來GDP成長率一直超過歐盟平均。儘管如此,全球 SARS-CoV-2 大流行並沒有錯過波蘭。 2020年GDP下降約與 2019 年相比,GDP 成長 2.5%。 5.7%。
目前,CTP 已在華沙附近建立了四個 CT 園區,所有園區均擁有良好的高速公路連接。在我們繼續投資這四個關鍵地點的同時,我們也在首都周圍籌備其他項目,以滿足市場需求。