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Испод објектива: Оптимизација потрошње енергије са Петром Јанком

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Хеарт Лике 4

7 tips to reduce your business’s energy consumption to save money and help ESG results 


Reducing costs and reducing environmental impact – these are two challenges on everyone’s mind, particularly in the wake of rising energy costs and ever-rising environmental impact standards. As a real estate solutions provider, CTP is fully aware of how crucial this topic is for our clients who occupy our space.   

While we adopt the latest innovations and build to the highest quality to ensure our buildings can operate as efficiently as possible, there are practices that can be carried out to help further reduce day-to-day energy consumption.  

Петар Јанко, Head of Property Management for CTP Slovakia, shares practical tips and direct and indirect methods on how to reduce corporate costs through energy-efficient building operations.   



1. Energy audit or ISO 50001/14001 

An energy audit (EA) is mandatory for every large enterprise. It can also be included in ISO certification of energy or environment management. EA, or the implementation of measures from it, can reduce energy costs in Slovak conditions by an average of 18%.   


2. Smart metering 

Online monitoring of energy consumption is practical in that you can see your consumption before it appears on your supplier’s invoice. You can thus manage not only the consumption itself but also its trajectories, peaks and other unwanted influences.   


3. Efficient heating 

A balanced combination of a pleasant working environment and reasonable energy consumption can be achieved by maintaining the recommended temperature range of 20-24 °C in offices and 15-20 °C in halls. It is important to realise that every 1 °C increase or decrease in temperature can affect energy consumption by an average of 5%. In addition, it is advisable to consider introducing measures to attenuate temperatures at weekends or when employees are absent.  



4. Efficient cooling 

During the warm months, the temperature in the office should be in the range of 23-27 °C. In the halls, the range is 22-26 °C. For air conditioning in general, a 1 °C reduction in temperature can be reflected in a 7% increase in energy consumption. The use of cooling systems should generally be approached with ‘common sense’, i.e. switching them off or limiting their operation when they are not needed.   

5. Water heating and reduction of water consumption 

Setting the hot water temperature in the range 52-55 °C ensures comfort without the risk of skin damage. Also contributing to energy savings are eco-efficient shower heads, which we specifically at CTP install in all our halls. Thermal insulation of pipes also contributes to minimising heat loss in the water distribution.   

6. Energy-saving lighting  

In all CTP halls, we use only LED lighting as standard, which offers higher energy efficiency and a long service life. In addition to LED, zone control and motion sensors are equally suitable, which only activate the lights when they are needed. It is also worth considering the introduction of a Digital Addressable Lighting Interface (DALI) system, which serves to better control and optimise energy consumption.  

7. Common sense 

Last but not least, using common sense on a daily basis costs nothing and can save both costs and natural resources. By this, we mean turning off lights and turning off appliances when leaving a room, not overheating a room, and equally efficient cooling. 

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